What do we talk about? Eeeeh, I can't say...
Jan 29, 2023
Mr. Fish
Things are going great with Allison. We're friends again, and I can comfortably talk to and be near her without getting nervous.
Yeah, I'm in orchestra. I definitely don't look the part, but I am. I play the Viola to be specific.
Thanks! I couldn't come up with things for the other Paradoxes yet, but what I did, at least in my mind, turned out great. And I meant Koraidon is the ancestor to Cyclizar/Cyclizar is the descendant to Koraidon, but it came out wrong, and I was too lazy to fix it.
Jan 29, 2023
Mr. Fish
Yeah. I sold it to start a production company. We make supplies for trading card players among some computer parts.
Jan 29, 2023
Oh. Well, I spend most of my day when a Pokémon game comes out poking and prodding. For Scarlet and Violet, I am making a Tera Raid Profile series, and I spend 10 hours or more with each build to make sure I find the right layout and that it works. While doing so, I make spreadsheets and stuff out of miscellaneous observations.
Also, a lot of the simpler things for the older games can be found with a simple Google search or with knowledge about the games. lol I don't like seeing zeros in the recent questions pages.
Jan 26, 2023
What did you mean with your question on my wall?
Jan 25, 2023
Yeah, I've watched a bit of almost every series. But RIP Ash. Gonna miss him. He may not've been the most interesting character in the world, but replacing him just sucks. I'm not sure if the new protagonists are gonna be any good, but going based solely off of appearance, they're awful. My hopes are low.
As for favorite Shiny, I'm not quite sure. A lot of Pokemon have neat Shinies, like Scream Tail (I really wanted it to be purple and it is), Noibat (which reminds me of mint chocolate chip ice cream), Rayquaza (seems like everyone loves Rayquaza's Shiny), Shinx (because yellow)... oh, and Jangmo-o (pink heart). Plus a bunch more that aren't occurring to me right now. I guess it's a lot harder to pick favorite Shiny than favorite Pokemon. What about you?
Jan 25, 2023
I need to ask Allison a question, and I'm struggling with vibrato in orchestra, and I failed a shiny Tatsugiri, but other than that? I'm good.
Other people like POKERMANZ?!!1!?!11?!?1!?2?!!1! NO WAY!
And yes, I heard about Ash leaving. I'm not really sad tbh, and I'd like to see what happens in the new series.
Jan 24, 2023
Mr. Fish