Sorry if you think I'm lying. After all, once one lies they can be hard to trust. I am just going to respect your opinion and say sorry. I just said sorry so I won't have to feel weighted by the fact I'm not trusted. So no hard feelings anymore between us ok?
Sep 10, 2020
Ok, thanks. I'm going to make a meta thread regarding the egg moves for Pokemon in LGPE. The thing is, I don't know what the title should be. Any suggestions?
Sep 10, 2020
And I realized there were questions I don't remember upvoting, they were upvoted too, even after I left the substitute account, I will remove them, but if you won't help me find out who hacked into the account, my email is probably in danger now. I'm just a kid, and you are a moderator, and I need you to help me. Please don't call me that again.
Sep 10, 2020
Sorry man, but I was sleeping last night. One thing's for sure, I did not upvote myself. I checked my account at first, and it was 250, after home based learning I checked again, and it was 450. I was worried if someone hacked to my email, and the last thing I need was to be called "lying". I will try to remove them again. But you have a job as a moderator to see if someone hacked into the account, if it glitched, and shut it down. I was telling the truth and I needed help, and one of the active oderators I knew was you, so asked for your help. And you called me "lying". I'm hurt.
Sep 10, 2020
There... it is undone. I give my solemn oath that I will never again spam upvote— unless it’s Fizz— anyone ever again.
...Ok, fine, you too.
Sep 10, 2020
Blue & Gary
I know breeding doesn't occur in LGPE, but when I change a Pokemon such as a Venonat learnset to USUM and click on the Venonat Egg moves page, it says Venonat doesn't learn any egg moves. Sorry if this seems so confusing.
Sep 9, 2020
I'm not sure if PM knows about this, but it doesn't list the Egg moves for Pokemon such as Paras, which is in LGPE. I reported it in the "report minor site errors here thread", but should I make a meta thread on it?
Sep 9, 2020
And when I check, some questions which upvotes I already removed got upvoted again, why? I removed them again, but there must be more. Pls help me
Sep 9, 2020
Hi fizz, but why did I get 450 points when I checked my profile? I swear I haven't opened substitute, and I already removed all votes, but why was it 450 when at first it was 250? Did someone hack to substitute account?
Sep 9, 2020