PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for fizz (page 146)

Fizz is me again, sorry to bother :/
I've made a question on the informations one could find ingame about the connection between humans and Pokémons.
I gave what I believe to be facts to back up my claims and then asked about more informations on this argument and two questions that could be answered both in a factual way and opinionated one.
The fact is that one user,  AreWeFreshYet?, pointed me to a video that could in fact answer my demand of more connections, thus only leaving the two questions I was talking about earlier.
Now, since I know that opinionated questions aren't allowed, no matter how technical they could be, because rules are to be respected, I need your help.

Could you let me know, when you have time, if my question needs to be taken down or if I can wait for an answer while being sure of not breaking the rules?

Thanks for the help!
Dec 15, 2015 by Torym
Hey Fizz I need your help.
A friend of mine knows about this site thru my posts and wanted to join in, but whenever she tries to log in and confirm her email address it says the following:

Question2Answer fatal error:
Could not send email confirmation

Stack trace:

require() in index.php:27
require() in qa-index.php:183
qa_get_request_content() in qa-page.php:819
require() in qa-page.php:203
qa_send_new_confirm() in confirm.php:50

I don't know if it is because she was in my house when she created the accounts (she tried to make two with her different emails since it wasn't working), thus sharing my internet coordinates (if those are a thing) but I don't know how to help her either, and she is starting to give me the "bad eye" if you know what I mean, so you know, man to man, help me out here buddy :P
Nov 14, 2015 by Torym
Spam programs are so bloody stupid I don't know why they try. I go to the admin, robots have spammed the site with links to websites that all have the word "scam" in their URL.
Oct 20, 2015 by Fizz
This is incredible xD http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-273725945
Planned everything, from Hoopa dying to Knock Off to Azelf exploding into Swampert. Could've gone for Earthquake to look flashy but I didn't need to predict at that point.
Sep 23, 2015 by Fizz
Get on the server so they have someone in Australia.


Melbourne people.

But thanks for everything, glhf bro.
Sep 21, 2015 by Sempi
no, i had no idea all my posts had votes. i just watch my point totals
Aug 15, 2015 by Missingno. Master
So you can become a moderator that easily?
Jul 30, 2015 by sumwun
Jul 30, 2015 by sumwun
Nintendo made some of the most amazing games under Satoru Iwata's direction, many of which have been life changing to me. His passing truly saddens me. Rest in peace. I wish Nintendo luck with wherever they decide to go from here.
Jul 13, 2015 by Fizz
although it might just be on my computer
Jul 3, 2015 by Hellfire Taco