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I know Volcarona is one. Are there any others?


2 Answers

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Best answer

This answer applies to the Generation IX games. Pokémon that were previously second evolutions before gaining additional evolutionary stages (e.g., Clefable) are excluded. Similarly, Pokémon whose EV yields have changed across generations (e.g., Slowking) are not included.

Parasect: 2 Atk, 1 Def
Lickilicky: 3 HP
Probopass: 1 Def, 2 SpD
Volcarona: 3 SpA
Silvally: 3 HP
Naganadel: 3 SpA
Melmetal: 3 Atk
Urshifu: 3 Atk
Farigiraf: 3 HP
Archaludon: 3 Def

List of Pokémon by effort value yield in Generation IX (Bulbapedia)

This link also offers EV tables for other generations, if you were looking for one of those instead.

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  • Slowking: 3 SDef EVs
  • Lickilicky: 3 HP EVs
wow!!slowking gives off 3 evs?never knew that
I didn't know either lol