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3 votes

Preferably Pokemon that are easy to find in the wild.
This is White 2.


2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

003 Venusaur
006 Charizard
009 Blastoise
012 Butterfree
015 Beedrill
018 Pidgeot
026 Raichu
031 Nidoqueen
034 Nidoking
036 Clefable
040 Wigglytuff
045 Vileplume
047 Parasect
062 Poliwrath
065 Alakazam
068 Machamp
071 Victreebel
076 Golem
094 Gengar
144 Articuno
145 Zapdos
146 Moltres
149 Dragonite
150 Mewtwo
151 Mew
154 Meganium
157 Typhlosion
160 Feraligatr
169 Crobat
181 Ampharos
182 Bellossom
184 Azumarill
186 Politoed
189 Jumpluff
199 Slowking
230 Kingdra
242 Blissey
243 Raikou
244 Entei
245 Suicune
248 Tyranitar
249 Lugia
250 Ho-Oh
251 Celebi
254 Sceptile
257 Blaziken
260 Swampert
267 Beautifly <3
269 Dustox
272 Ludicolo
275 Shiftry
282 Gardevoir
289 Slaking
295 Exploud
306 Aggron
330 Flygon
365 Walrein
373 Salamence
376 Metagross
377 Regirock
378 Regice
379 Registeel
380 Latias
381 Latios
382 Kyogre
383 Groudon
384 Rayquaza
385 Jirachi
386 Deoxys (Normal Forme)
386 Deoxys (Attack Forme)
386 Deoxys (Defense Forme)
386 Deoxys (Speed Forme)
389 Torterra
392 Infernape
395 Empoleon
398 Staraptor
405 Luxray
407 Roserade
445 Garchomp
462 Magnezone
463 Lickilicky
464 Rhyperior
466 Electivire
467 Magmortar
468 Togekiss
473 Mamoswine
474 Porygon-Z
475 Gallade
476 Probopass
477 Dusknoir
480 Uxie
481 Mesprit
482 Azelf
483 Dialga
484 Palkia
485 Heatran
486 Regigigas
487 Giratina
488 Cresselia
490 Manaphy
491 Darkrai
492 Shaymin (Land Forme)
492 Shaymin (Sky Forme)
493 Arceus
494 Victini
497 Serperior
500 Emboar
503 Samurott
508 Stoutland
521 Unfezant
526 Gigalith
534 Conkeldurr
537 Seismitoad
542 Leavanny
545 Scolipede
553 Krookodile
576 Gothitelle
579 Reuniclus
584 Vanilluxe
601 Klinklang
604 Eelektross
609 Chandelure
612 Haxorus
635 Hydreigon
637 Volcarona
638 Cobalion
639 Terrakion
640 Virizion
641 Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
641 Tornadus (Therian Forme)
642 Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
642 Thundurus (Therian Forme)
643 Reshiram
644 Zekrom
645 Landorus (Incarnate Forme)
645 Landorus (Therian Forme)
646 Kyurem
647 Keldeo
648 Meloetta (Aria Forme)
648 Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)
649 Genesect

There you go! Sorry if I missed anything you wanted or if it's not so easy on the eyes.

PS. There were a bunch of number next to it when I copied and pasted it, and I actually erased all of it.

PPS. I have not tampered with Beautifly's name in any way. It was like that when I got it :3

reshown by
counter pwn
Lol CZ!!
Not really
Yes, really.
Yep I agree. Counter Pwn XD!!
5 votes

There's actually a lot more than you'd think (probably too much to list), but Bulbapedia has a nice list of Pokemon and their EV yield. Here; just click 'Total EVs' and it will sort the Pokemon by their total yield.
