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Include berries, items and moves.


2 Answers

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This answer assumes the following:

  • The games in question are Scarlet and Violet, unless an item or move is exclusive to a different game or unavailable in Scarlet and Violet.
  • All criteria are in place for the item or move to restore HP in the first place.
  • Moves and items are used in-battle and not in the overworld.

Additional effects, such as status removal, are not considered. Some effects may differ between generations.

HP-Restoring Items

Aguav Berry: 1/3 of max HP
Berry (Gen 2 only): 10 HP
Berry Juice: 20 HP
Black Sludge: 1/16 of max HP at the end of every turn
Energy Powder: 60 HP
Energy Root: 120 HP
Enigma Berry: 25% of max HP
Figy Berry: 1/3 of max HP
Fine Remedy (Legends: Arceus only): 100 HP
Fresh Water: 30 HP
Full Restore: Brings recipient's HP to 100%
Gold Berry (Gen 2 only): 30 HP
Hyper Potion: 120 HP
Iapapa Berry: 1/3 of max HP
Leftovers: 1/16 of max HP
Lemonade: 70 HP
Mago Berry: 1/3 of max HP
Max Honey: 100% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Max Potion: Brings recipient's HP to 100%
Max Revive: 100% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Moomoo Milk: 100 HP
Oran Berry: 10 HP
Potion: 20 HP
Rage Candy Bar (prior to Gen 7): 20 HP
Rare Candy: When used on a fainted Pokemon, either 2 HP or equal to the amount its maximum HP increased by during level-up
Remedy (Legends: Arceus only): 60 HP
Revival Herb: 100% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Revive: 50% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Sacred Ash: 100% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Shell Bell: 1/8 of the damage dealt
Sitrus Berry: 25% of max HP
Soda Pop: 50 HP
Super Potion: 60 HP
Superb Remedy (Legends: Arceus only): 150 HP
Sweet Heart: 20 HP
Wiki Berry: 1/3 of max HP

HP-Restoring Moves

Absorb: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Aqua Ring: 1/16 of user's max HP at the end of every turn If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Bitter Blade: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Bouncy Bubble: 50% of damage dealt to target
Drain Punch: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Draining Kiss: 75% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 97.5%.
Dream Eater: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Floral Healing: 50% of target's max HP. In Grassy Terrain, 2/3 of target's max HP.
G-Max Finale: 1/6 of user's and allies' max HP
Giga Drain: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Grassy Terrain: 1/16 of max HP at the end of every turn
Heal Order: 50% of user's max HP
Heal Pulse: 50% of target's max HP. If user has Mega Launcher, 75% of target's max HP.
Healing Wish: Brings recipient's HP to 100%
Horn Leech: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Ingrain: 1/16 of user's max HP at the end of every turn. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Jungle Healing: 25% of user's and allies' max HP
Leech Life: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Leech Seed: 1/16 of target's max HP. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored increases by 30%.
Life Dew: 25% of user's and allies' max HP
Lunar Blessing: 25% of user's and allies' max HP
Lunar Dance: Brings recipient's HP to 100%
Matcha Gotcha: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Mega Drain: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Milk Drink: 50% of user's max HP
Moonlight: 50% of user's max HP in no weather, 2/3 in harsh sunlight, and 25% in every other weather condition.
Morning Sun: 50% of user's max HP in no weather, 2/3 in harsh sunlight, and 25% in every other weather condition.
Oblivion Wing: 75% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 97.5%.
Pain Split: Equalizes the user's HP and the target's HP
Parabolic Charge: 50% of damage dealt to target. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored totals 65%.
Pollen Puff: 50% of ally's max HP
Present: 25% of target's max HP
Purify: 50% of user's max HP
Recover: 50% of user's max HP
Rest: Brings user's HP to 100%
Revival Blessing: 50% of a fainted Pokemon's HP
Roost: 50% of user's max HP
Shore Up: 2/3 of user's max HP in a sandstorm, and 50% in every other weather condition.
Slack Off: 50% of user's max HP
Soft-Boiled: 50% of user's max HP
Strength Sap: Restores user's HP by the Attack stat of the target, taking into account stat changes. If user is holding a Big Root, HP restored increases by 30%.
Swallow: 25% of user's max HP if Stockpile was used once, 50% if used twice, or 100% if used three times.
Synthesis: 50% of user's max HP in no weather, 2/3 in harsh sunlight, and 25% in every other weather condition.
Wish: Heals Pokemon in user's position by 50% of the user's maximum HP

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11 votes

Rest 100%
Softboiled 50%
Full Restore 100%
Milk Drink 50%
Oran Berry 10HP
Absorb 50% of damage done
Aqua Ring 1/16th total HP per turn
Heal Order 50%
Hyper Potion 200HP
Potion 20HP
Drain Punch 50% of damage done
Dream Eater 50% of damage done
Giga Drain: 50% of damage done
Healing Wish Knocks out user but fully restores next Pokemon
Ingrain 1/16th total HP per turn
Leech Life 50% of damage done
Leech Seed 1/8 of foe's HP per turn
Lunar Dance Knocks out user but fully restores next Pokemon
Mega Drain 50% of damage done
Moonlight 50% normal, 66.6% Sun, 25% everything else
Morning Sun 50% normal, 66.6% Sun, 25% everything else
Synthesis 50% normal, 66.6% Sun, 25% everything else
Wish 50% on the next turn
Pain Split The average of your HP and the foe's HP
Recover 50%
Roost 50%
Swallow 25% with one Stockpile, 50% with two, 100% with three
Aquav Berry 1/8 total HP
Berry Juice 20HP
Black Sludge 1/16 total HP each turn for Poison types
Leftovers 1/16 of total HP per turn
Energy Root 200HP
Energypowder 50HP
Enigma Berry 25%
Figy Berry 12.5%
Fresh Water 50HP
Soda Pop 60HP
Lemonade 80HP
Mago Berry 12.5%
Max Potion 100%
MooMoo Milk 100HP
Shell Bell 12.5% of damage done
Sitrus Berry 25%
Super Potion 50HP
Wiki Berry 12.5%

Wow, just wow...................