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3 votes

If they use an item to evolve can you tell me the pokemon and the item.

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3 Answers

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Best answer

Up to date as of the Indigo Disk:

No item trades:
Machoke to Machamp
Kadabra to Alakazam
Haunter to Gengar
Graveler to Golem
Boldore to Gigalith
Gurdurr to Conkeldurr
Karrablast to Escavalier (trade for Shelmet)
Shelmet to Accelgor (trade for Karrablast)
Phantump to Trevenant
Pumpkaboo to Gourgeist

Item trades:
Poliwhirl to Politoed (King's Rock)
Slowpoke to Slowking (King's Rock)
Onix to Steelix (Metal Coat)
Scyther to Scizor (Metal Coat)
Seadra to Kingdra (Dragon Scale)
Porygon to Porygon2 (Upgrade)
Porygon2 to Porygon-Z (Dubious Disc)
Feebas to Milotic (Prism Scale, Gen 4 upwards)
Clamperl to Gorebyss (Deep Sea Scale)
Clamperl to Huntail (Deep Sea Tooth)
Dusclops to Dusknoir (Reaper Cloth)
Electabuzz to Electivire (Electrizer)
Magmar to Magmortar (Magmarizer)
Rhydon to Rhyperior (Protector)
Spritzee to Aromatisse (Sachet)
Swirlix to Slurpuff (Whipped Dream)

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9 votes

Trade (no item)
Machoke -> Machamp
Abrakadabra ->Alakazam
Haunter -> Gengar
Graveler -> Golem

Trade (items)
Poliwhirl -> Politoad (King's Rock)
Slowpoke -> Slowking (King's Rock)
Onix -> Steelix (Metal Coat)
Scyther -> Scizor (Metal Coat)
Seadra -> Kingdra (Dragon Scale)
Porygon ->Porygon2 (Up-Grade)
Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z (Dubious Disc)
Clamperl -> Gorebyss (DeepSeaScale)
Clamperl -> Huntail (DeepSeaTooth)
Dusclops -> Dusknoir (Reaper Cloth)
Electabuzz -> Electivire (Electrizer)
Magmar -> Magmortar (Magmarizer)
Rhydon -> Rhyperior (Protector)

thanks    :)
2 votes
Thanks    :)