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what do you mean??
I'm no expert, but you could use Serious and Hardy natures for Mixed Sweepers. For example I use Serious on my Life Orb Infernape which knows Overheat, Close Combat, U-Turn and Solar Beam in Sun. Guess you could have a defence decreasing nature for a Mixed Sweeper though it could be crucial.
.....Dafuq? You MUST use a +Spd, -Def / SDef nature on those......Bad advice.

2 Answers

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Never. There is no situation where a Pokemon would need a Neutral Nature. It's either Walling, Stalling, Attacking or annoying, so it needs either a Defensive nature for the first two, a Speed-raising / Attack-stat raising Nature for the third one and it needs either Defensive or Attack-raising Nature for the last. There is also FEAR, like you mentioned and also Riolu, with his Prankster + Copycat Roar combo that can utilize a neutral nature.

Source: Experience

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Thanks JCM... but you tell me nothing I already know. I've seen some FEAR sets with Hardy...
1 vote

In gen 8 Doubles OU, black Kyurem sometimes uses a neutral nature. It needs HP and special defense to survive Nihilego's meteor beam, physical attack for fusion bolt, special attack for ice beam and earth power, and speed for Persian and Kartana. I don't know why it needs physical defense and doesn't use lonely nature, though.

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