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In various Cubone pokedex entries say that cubone wears the skull of its mother.Who is its mother ? Is it Marowak ?

*sigh* has no one here played Leafgreen or Firered? It's really obvious in those games that the mother is the ghost Marowak you encounter in Lavander Town, and the game guide even says she is. Both these answers are acting like no one knows for sure.
Welps this is very true. But I guess I wrote my answer thinking bout all Cubones. Not just the sad little one :'( poor cubone

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Generally most adult Pokemon are evolved, so yes the mother would have been a Marowak.

And as Poke'Slash has mentioned (thanks for refreshing my memory :]) the Cubone in Lavendar town has lost it's mother who is the ghost of a Marowak.

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thanks guys'
2 votes

Some speculate Kangaskhan was Cubone's mother, [Look here][1]
'nuff said.

EDIT: Like Mr.K said Marowak is probably the official mother.
[1]: http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm62/Stryker_X7/Cubone.png

edited by
Sorry veteran, I was typing while you answered :P
I found this pic earlier (few months ago), so why not answer. Of coarse, i can always change or hide my answer.
No leave it. Different views and options. +1.
K, thx. +1 for you to Mr.K
girl marrowak+boy marrowak=cubone
I don't believe in the Kangaskhan theory and it has been confirmed that Marawak is Cubone's mother.
0 votes

There's a lot of theories about Cubone's mother, here's the two most popular theory that I've just found:
1. The Kangaskhan theory mentioned before. According to the Pokédex, Kangaskhans are so aggressive pokémon that they protect they children at even the cost of their lives. If this happens, the baby can not overcome this trauma, so it takes the last things remaing from her: the skull and the bone, and when it grows up, becomes a Marowak. That's also proven by the fact that in the 7 gen games, where the S.O.S. encounter mechanincs debuted, Cubones usually call another Cubone for help, but occasionally a Kangaskhan appears.
2. Cubone is an orphan Charmander. The flame on the tip of Charmander's tail is blown by an adult Charizard when the egg hatches. As seen in the anime, Charizards are extremely aggressive creatures, attacking the stronger or even type advantegeous pokémon recklessly, providing a huge chance for the mother Charizard's death. When the baby hatches, it can't develop a Charizard's most basic organs, like the wings without the tail flame, so it stays on the ground (at this point, we can regard that Cubone's and Marowak's Ground type is symbolical :D), and similarly to the Kangaskhan theory, it takes its mother's bones, and evolves into a Marowak when it grows up. This theory is also valid if the mother Charizard is alive, but refuses to raise the weak-looking hatchling. The disinherited baby sadly goes into the Charizard graveyard, where it finds an other dead Charizard's bones, and also turns into a Marowak when it grows up. This theory is proven by the similar shape of Cubone's bone helmet and Charizard's skull (it also applies for the Kangaskhan theory), and the pointed buds on Cubone's back, wich probably were developing wings, and wich only disappears when it evolves.

But doesn't Charmander die if the fire goes out?
Yes, that factor has some point, but as I mentioned before, Charmander babies hatch without the flame. If their tails get ignited, it begins the "Charmander-ish" life functions (like developing wings, breathing fire or dying if the flame goes out), probably on a hormonal level. If doesn't, the hormones starts to develop a Cubone, then a Marowak.
It should be noted that the anime and Pokédex entries often misconceive Charmander's tail fire going out as death: If Charmander dies, the tail goes out as it biologically can't light it, but if you put its tail underwater, it doesn't die, it just can't light its tail. :P