In B2W2, there is nothing that fits this description in-game wise. However, there are a few Pokemon that are like this.
Any case, since the two suggestions above gave Pokemon with a x4 Stealth Rock weakness, I'll give some without the double Rock weakness.

Glass Canon @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Sp. Def
Nature: Naive
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Extremespeed
- Outrage
/ Legendary
/ Flying type
/ Special based Fire-type move w/ no recharge
- needs to be transferred (idk what you mean by 50/50)
/ Not a signature move

Salad Mixer @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Sp. Atk
Nature: Naive
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
~ Pseudo-Legendary
/ Flying type
/ Special based Fire-type move w/ no recharge
/ Bagon is available in B2W2
/ Not a signature move

"Witty name" @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Mild
- Fire Blast
- Super Power
- Draco Meteor/ Dragon Pulse
- Roost/ Dark Pulse
~ Pseudo-Legendary
~ not a flying type but it's got levitate, which means it's immune to ground and doesn't have a x4 Ice weakness
/ Special based Fire-type move w/ no recharge
/ Zweilous is available in B2W2
/ Not a signature move

Big Bird @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Timid
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- Dark Pulse/ Grass Knot
- U-Turn
/ Legendary
/ Flying type
/ Special based Fire-type move w/ no recharge
- Transfer from Black (Dream Radar will give you Defiant as its nature)
/ Not a signature move

Custard Comet @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Timid
- Heat Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch/ HP Flying
- Roost
/ Legendary
/ Flying type
/ Special based Fire-type move w/ no recharge
- Transfer from HGSS
/ Not a signature move
If someone has wittier names, please share. o-o