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I know stat changes and substitutes do, anything else?


1 Answer

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I have seen the game's source code, and while posting snippets of the code to verify these findings is a legal taboo, I can at least summarize what they're trying to say.

The following things get passed:

  • All stat modifiers
  • Substitute (complete with how much HP the substitute has left)
  • Power Trick
  • The Focus Energy effect (either from Focus Energy itself, the Lansat Berry, or Dire Hit)
  • Confusion
  • Heal Block
  • Leech Seed
  • Embargo
  • Perish Song
  • Ingrain
  • Can't Escape (from the previous Pokemon being hit by a move such as Mean Look and Baton Passing to a new one; if an opposing Pokemon has a Can't Escape status tied to the continued presence of the old Pokemon on the field, that will irrevocably be lost even if the "master" of that trap uses Baton Pass instead of switching normally. This is also a distinct status from "Bound", which is temporary, deals damage after every turn it's in effect, and does not get passed.)
  • Magnet Rise
  • Ghost Curse
  • Aqua Ring
  • Lock-On (normally if you use Lock-On followed by another move next turn, Lock-On's duration is then over, but if the next move is Baton Pass it extends its duration by one turn so the new recipient does at least get a turn to take advantage of it)
  • Gastro Acid (unless the new Pokemon has an ability that's immune to manipulation, typically form-changing abilities like Mimikyu or Wishiwashi, in which case this effect immediately wears off)
  • Telekinesis (unless the new Pokemon is Mega Gengar, in which case this effect immediately wears off)

Nothing else gets explicitly passed, though there are some effects that are tied to one spot on the field no matter who's currently there, and even normal switching causes those effects to persist so obviously Baton Pass does too. The main examples there are pending visits from Future Sight and Wish.

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Can leech seed get passed to a grass Pokemon? Also I know baton pass didn't pass "can't escape" in gen 5, so when did baton pass start passing it?
@sumwun Leech Seed can get passed to a Grass-type (in Gen 7 at least I dunno about the other Gens). I saw it in the Battle Tree, when a Drifblim Baton Passed it to a Rotom-Mow.
Can't Escape absolutely gets passed in 5, in the sense that if you were trapped by Mean Look, you can still Baton Pass but the trap will remain in place, and the replacement will be unable to switch unless it has its own pivot move, or unless the opponent switches first. Contrast this with an attempted pass by the *master* of a Mean Look, where you have given a Can't Escape status to the opponent but now want to switch out yourself while leaving them trapped. *That* is what hasn't been possible, even by Baton Pass, ever since 5.