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I know Reflect reduces physical attacks from the opponent for 5 turns and applies to all Pokémon on my field but does that mean Pokémon that are in battle currently or is the effect still there when I switch out and also, does the opponents attack go back to normal if they switch out?

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4 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Reflect will reduce damage taken from physical attacks for 5 turns; Light Screen will reduce damage taken from special attacks for 5 turns.

The effects of Reflect and Light Screen can be extended to 8 turns instead of 5 if the Pokemon that uses Reflect and/or Light Screen is holding Light Clay.

Reflect & Light Screen affect your entire team, not just the Pokemon that set up those screens (Pokemon that know Reflect & Light Screen are commonly called Dual Screeners).

Since both screens are set up on your side of the team, your opponent's Pokemon stats remain the same; essentially, the defences of your team has gone up temporarily, not the attacks of your opponent's team goes down temporarily. This means that any Pokemon your opponent uses will do reduced damage when the screens are up, except for Pokemon with the ability Infiltrator, which allows them to bypass the effects of both Screens, Safeguard and Mist.

Your opponent will do normal damage once Reflect and Light Screen wear off (after 5 turns or 8 turns if holding Light Clay).

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When Light Screen is activated, does the opponent turn count as a turn for Light Screen.
3 votes


Reflect will be in effect for 5 turns and will halve physical damage done to any of the party Pokémon on the user's side. But if Light Clay is held when Reflect is used, it will extend the duration of Reflect from 5 to 8 turns.

Light Screen

Light Screen will be in effect for 5 turns and will halve special damage done to any of the party Pokémon on the user's side. But if Light Clay is held when Light Screen is used, it will extend the
duration of Light Screen from 5 to 8 turns.

Hope I helped you, comment under the answer for any more questions (if you have any) :D

2 votes

Reflect and Light Screen and status moves on your side of the feild. No it does not leave if the opponent switches only when the 5-8 turns are up.

2 votes

You use Reflect/Light Screen. Your Defense/Special Defense is doubled, the opponents attack/special attack is left alone. They effect your whole team. The effects last 5 turns. It does not matter who or what switches out, it will still be in effect. Brick Break will get rid of the effects of them, while Pokemon with Infiltrator will ignore the effects. Light Clay will extend the duration to 8 turns if held by the Pokemon who uses the move.

Source: Experience
