PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Hello again. Welcome to yet another thread designed to help with the
masses by getting everyone's opinion and favoritism all on one big
question for the sake of competitive battling insight.

As you could of guessed, this thread is about how well Lead Pokemon perform at their role in today's (I know Gen 6 is coming up but who said we couldn't just add on some new ideas later on :P) Meta games. Now, to keep this ordered, and to maximize the learning capacity, I expect the following etiquette of whom I am sure our sensible users shall stick too :3.

What we expect to see here:

  • Full Pokemon sets and descriptions

We want the full hoedown on our subjects here. This means the complete set and viable tiers, a complete description of how it works and suitable situations and teammates. No scrimping out either, as much as possible :D

  • Why you should use this Pokemon over its common rivals

There is no point raving about a Pokemon when there is a much more obvious and perhaps a better choice right around the corner. Explains a Pokemons plus points compared to a similar Pokemon. Also keep in mind if a user has challenged the Pokemon you have posted do not act in spite, but a respectful debate may occur

  • List Possible Checks and Counters

Every Pokemon has a weakness, and it takes skill to find it!

Oh one more thing please, to avoid clogging and over crowding, please restrict your posts to 2 Pokemon per answer max, and 2 answers per user max. this gives everyone fair opportunity and stops the same person overcrowding the place and putting of other users.

Happy hunting!!

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I asked this already. :P
er really? link?
Does that thread work for ALL leads or just OU?
Mmmh Ok, but this seems to be more formal and constrained, and while yours if fine, I think I'm OK with leaving this and answering it
All tiers
Erm, "Leads" are dead. *Dedicated Lead.

9 Answers

3 votes


This Pokemon makes a great Uber lead with it's wicked ability, Download. Capable of running both a physically biased set and a specially biased set, it can be unpredictable and dangerous. The physical set has access to some great moves such as (Italiscized are STAB moves) Iron Head, Blaze Kick, U-Turn, Explosion, Gunk Shot, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor, Zen Headbutt, and more. The Special Set can deal plenty of damage with Ice Beam, Bug Buzz, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power (Anything), Solarbeam, Thunder, Tri Attack, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball, and much more.

It also works particularly well as a Scarfer, with a base speed of 99, which outspeed almost half the tier when Scarfed. Also makes for a great revenge killer, especially when brought in on any Specially Defensive walls (when running the physical set) or vice versa for Defensive walls.

Another reason this Pokemon can make a great lead, is it counters all but the rare Scarfed Darkrai leads. Darkrai is a dangerous Pokemon when used well (He rarely is) and U-Turn can get a OHKO on him. If Sashed bring in that Sleep Talker and kill it. Forretress loses out to U-Turn which breaks Sturdy making that annoying Custap Lead Forretress useless when you bring in Groudon or Ho_oh to KO him in Turn 2.

I prefer the physical set, so that's the on I'll put down here.

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Explosion
- Aerial Ace/Zen Headbutt/Blaze Kick/Ice Beam

The last slot is open to whatever move you deem best, mostly recommended to go with Ice Beam.

Three good solid checks/counters to this Genesect lead are:
Scarf Shaymin-S with HP Fire. Outspeeds and KOs with HP Fire.
Scarf Darkrai. Can use Scarfed Sleep Void to nullify Genesect for the whole game, truly annoying.
Groudon. With immense bulk he can take pretty much any hit and KO with Fire Punch, or phaze Genesect out.

A Good OU lead that I recently obtained the set for is,


Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 248 HP / 148 Def / 112 Spd
Naive Nature
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- U-turn

This set provides some good bulk so he can take some tough hits after Intimidate. Speed is speed creeping Jolly Breloom, HP provides good bulk. Earthquake is strong STAB, while U-Turn provides momentum and is great for switching. HP Ice surprises Gliscor who loves switching in. Also takes out any of those pesky dragons like Dragonite, Salamence, and Garchomp. Truly a beast this Lando has saved me many times.

Some good checks would be:
Anything with an Ice move.
Anything FASTER with an ice move.
Cold Ice.
Frozen Ice Cream.

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2 votes

Here is a great NU lead...


Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 248 HP / 148 Def / 112 Sp. Def
Impish Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Knock Off / Gyro Ball
  • Leech Seed
  • Protect / Thunder Wave


Ferroseed is chosen as an SR lead for 2 reasons: its unique defensive typing and the Eviolite boosted defenses to compliment it. These reasons alone are good enough to use Ferroseed over other SR leads.

SR is mandatory on any Ferroseed sets. Spikes can be used as an alternative as well.

Knock Off isn't really used for the power, but just for getting rid of the opposing Pokemon's items. Gyro Ball, on the other hand, gets good STAB and decent power.

Leech Seed is Ferroseed's only form of recovery and pressures Pokemon to switch out.

Protect can be used well with Leech Seed to get good recovery, while T-Wave cripples fast threats, such as Sawk.


Xatu is a huge threat to Ferro, mainly because it can bounce back Ferro's entry hazards and threaten it with Heat Wave.

Fire-types are another obvious threat as they exploit Ferroseed's 4x weakness to Fire and they resist Ferroseed's STABs. However, Ferroseed can cripple such threats (Magmortar and Pyroar) by using T-Wave or Leech Seed.

Taunt users can also easily beat this set, forcing Ferroseed to switch out.

Fighting-types, such as Sawk, can easily switch on Ferroseed and threaten it with its STAB attacks + Knock Off. Even Gurdurr can use Ferroseed's T-Wave for Guts. In this case, Ferroseed becomes set-up bait.

Super-effective coverage can easily beat Ferroseed as well. Some Pokemon, such as Samurott, can lure in Ferroseed and then 2HKO or OHKO it with Hidden Power [Fire].

Team Options

Bulky Water-types, such as Quagsire and Lanturn, are good options because they can switch into Fire-types, such as Magmortar. More offensively inclined Water-types, such as Samurott and Kabutops, are also good partners on a Balanced team.

Ground types also generally have good synergy with Ferroseed, especially Rhydon. Ferroseed can cover their Water-type and Grass-type weaknesses, while Ground-types can cover Ferroseed's Fire-type weakness.

Having a Ghost-type, such as Mismagius or Haunter, is great for spin-blocking. They also have access to Taunt, which can prevent the use of Defog. All of these Pokemon can also threaten Xatu, which is one of Ferroseed's greatest threats. In addition, Xatu doesn't run Kasib Berry, since it would much prefer Colbur Berry. This allows Haunter / Mismagius to get a potential OHKO with their super-effective Ghost-type STAB moves.

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2 votes

I'll be posting a lead set for Gen 9 NU, and the subject is...


Cinccino @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tidy Up
- Encore
- Tail Slap
- Knock Off

When you think of HO, you'll usually think of weather (i.e rain, sun), Sticky Web, and the traditional hazard lead + 5 setup Pokemon. However, with Cinccino gaining Tidy Up in Gen 9, there is an HO style of hazardless HO, with Cinccino as the lead of those teams. With this moveset, Cinccino can mess up opposing lead Pokemon for opposing HO teams, being able to create a hazardless early game. With Focus Sash, you can Tidy Up turn 1 if you wanted to, or use Tail Slap or Knock Off to force chip on opposing Pokemon. Encore works nicely with Tidy Up, as you can create setup opportunities by locking opposing Pokemon into moves like Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Spikes, etc, which also works against the other lead HO Pokemon, specifically Galvantula and Araquanid. Knock Off lets Cinccino hits Basculegion, Chandelure, Hisuian Typhlosion, Bronzong, Brambleghast, Decidueye, and Pokemon who use Tera Ghost super effectively. Knock Off is also nice to force progress on Pokemon such as Registeel and Galarian Slowbro, which is useful for its teammates. With Tera Ghost, Cinccino becomes immune to Fighting and Normal moves, which can potentially let you Encore the Pokemon who try to use a Normal or Fighting move against Cinccino. Once Cinccino goes down, you'll want to offensively pressure your opponent to prevent hazards from going up if the opponent has their hazard setter later in the game.

Why use Cinccino over other Tidy Up HO lead Pokemon?

Since Tidy Up Smeargle and Tidy Up Furret aren't real in NU, I'll explain why you would use Cinccino over other HO leads in Gen 9 NU. With Cinccino using Tidy Up to create a hazardless (early) game, Pokemon that are weak to Stealth Rock have the freedom to use other items than Heavy-Duty Boots. Scream Tail, Galvantula, and Araquanid can't prevent hazards, and Infernape, Lycanroc, and Froslass will have to deal with speedties. Plus, those 4 Pokemon don't have the ability to remove hazards if they get on your side of the field. HO Leads such as Smeargle and Brambleghast who can remove hazards can be taken advantage of with faster Pokemon such as Dragon Dance Scale Shot Flygon. Cinccino is also the fastest HO lead Pokemon used in NU aside from lead Booster Energy: Speed Scream Tail, which is useful vs the slower HO leads.


Scyther @ Eviolite
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dual Wingbeat
- Close Combat
- Trailblaze

Scyther is a huge winner of Cinccino creating an (early) hazardless game, as it can use Eviolite instead of Heavy-Duty Boots to give it extra bulk, which is nice to be able to have a little more comfort to setup Swords Dance, allowing it to be a really scary breaker on HO teams, thus forming a common HO core of Lead Cinccino + Eviolite Swords Dance Scyther in Gen 9 NU. Tera Electric on Scyther lets Scyther resist Kilowattrel's STABs and have a paralysis immunity.

Other Flying-types such as Minior and Tornadus can be used with Cinccino. Minior likes Stealth Rock being off the field so it Stealth Rock won't put it in range of a powerful attack OHKOing it while in its Meteor form. Tornadus can use items such as Sitrus Berry on Bulk Up sets or something like Adrenaline Orb on Nasty Plot sets to take advantage of how common Intimidate is in Gen 9 NU.

Pokemon such as Flygon, Tauros-Paldea-Aqua (or as I like to call him, Waterbull), Toxtricity, and Chandelure are nice on HO teams to be able to overwhelm Steel-types alongside Cinccino making progress against Steel-types with Knock Off and Encore. The ability to wear down Steel-types is useful if you want a Flying-type like Scyther to sweep late-game. Flygon provides an Electric immunity and Ground immunity and can be an alternative Pokemon to lead with in games if the opponent has Sticky Web Galvantula. Waterbull's Initimidate allows it to check attackers like Flygon and is useful to have some utility on HO teams. Toxtricity can use Pokemon such as Klefki and Vileplume as setup fodder, and Cinccino tends to lure in those Pokemon for Toxtricity. Chandelure can use items such as Air Balloon due to Cinccino keeping hazards off and can provide Memento support for its teammates to have a little more breathing room for a teammate to setup and sweep.

Uxie and Scream Tail are also nice teammates for Cinccino HO teams. These two Psychic-types can utilize their bulk to be able to be potent breakers once they setup. Uxie can provide utility with Encore, and Scream Tail utilizes Psychic Noise to shut down HP recovery. Since Scream Tail on HO uses Booster Energy: Speed, it appreciates Cinccino's ability to remove Sticky Web.

Cinccino Checks

Steel-types such as Bronzong, Klefki, Registeel, and Copperajah give Cinccino trouble, but they generally don't like to lose their item by a Knock Off. (And Bronzong takes super effective damage from Knock Off) Intimidate Pokemon such as Incineroar and Waterbull give Cinccino tough times, Waterbull can use a STAB move + Aqua Jet, and Incineroar can cripple Cinccino with Will-O-Wisp + Parting Shot. Vileplume and Galarian Slowbro can hold Rocky Helmet, which Cinccino doesn't like if the Pokemon switch in on a Tail Slap. Vileplume can use Strength Sap to lower Cinccino's Attack and recover HP, and Galarian Slowbro can also recover HP via Slack Off and can potentially status Cinccino with poison or paralysis. Opposing Cinccino can force awkward situations about what move to go for if the opponent decides to use Tera Ghost on their Cinccino to become immune to your Cinccino's Tail Slap. There's also the Cinccino speedtie you'd have to deal with if neither of them have a speed boost(s). Priority moves can also be used to revenge kill Cinccino, but keep in mind Encore and Tera Ghost means you'll need to be careful when using Mach Punch, Fake Out, or Sucker Punch.

Soo, there you have it. A lead Cinccino set that created a different type of HO used in Gen 9 NU. Have fun using lead Cinccino! :)

1 vote

![enter image description here][1]

Dragonite @ Leftovers / Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4> HP
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Extreme Speed

Ah yes, lead D-Dance Drago. Let me walk you through it.

The point of lead drago is to abuse Multiscale with little to no risk of it being broken before it gets its chance. Unless the opponent expects Drago out first, then there is almost no way of OHKOing it, guaranteeing a free Setup. Drago's power after a D-dance is frightening, being able to OHKO pretty much anything it wants, and whiel it does fail to outspeed common scarfers such as keldo and Terrakion, its a great and annoying way to start of a game, by annihilating half an opponents team.

D-Dance is Dragos best setup option, as you are probably aware. Dragonites lackluster speed is made up for thanks to the boost, and thanks to Multiscale 2 or 3 can be accumlated, allowing domination throughout the match. Outrage is the STAB of choice, and while it has the nasty habit of locking onto soemthing, after a boost or two the whole point is for quick power, and Outrage provides it. If you are worried about a switching skarmory, dragon claw is a good alternative, but the power drop it noticeable. Coverage on Drago is exceptional, waterfall, super power, you name it, Drago has it. Ex speed is preferred just for its great finishing off power, being able to take out Weavile and mamo in a pinch, beating their Ice Shard. EQ and Fire Punch are your anti-steels. EQ hits more things for betetr damage, but Air balloons and skamorys leave it open for multisclae breaking, so Fire Punch can be used over it.

For possible teammates, anything that can act as an anti lead can help, as if you expect a dangerous scarfer or perhaps a trick user, you can avoid sending out drago until its deat with, althought this does devaule the poitn of it being a lead. Rapid spins users are credible too, in the case of phasers. Other than that Drago is pretty self sufficient.

Other comparable options include Lando, Salamence and Kyu-B. In order:

Lando does have the benefit of Stealth Rocks to its arsenal ,however, SR and boosting on the same set isn't normally advised, so you'll be missing out on early games setup sweeping. While Lando can obviously set up sweep, it doesn't have Multiscale to block that crippling Ice weakness, and takes far more damage from special attackers, who will be its main competition thanks to Intimidate. It does have good covrage, but its nothing compared to Drago, barring StoneQuake which can be n accurate and ineffective at times, nevermind being completely walled by Skarm. The only 2 real benefits it has over Drago is that Para immunity not reducing its speed and U-Turn for effective scouting.

Salamence may seem credible, having better overall attack and speed while still having decent bulk, but again its that crippling 4x Ice weakness, as well as having little defense against common scafers. It finds a much harder time to set up bar scaring out with Intimidate, but as a lead Pokemon, Intimidate can be easily avoided. Mamo and weavile rip up mence with little to go against it, and Pokemon like scarfpoli's Ice beam or Cloyster, common sweepers and leads wreck it almost instantly (thought to be fair cloyster wrecks almost everything with Icicle spear, just pray that it ets up before attacking dragonite and you an bring it to 1hp and use extreme speed :P)

Kyu-B has tremendous physical attack power. However, while its attack and bulk are excellent and its SpAtk usable, its speed is dismal, allowing many leads to get the better of this. To remedy this, it is forced a scarf, but this limits is usefulness in coverage and wall breaking terms (thought scarf and banded Kyus are one of the few things that can reliably OHKO through multiscale). Its common fighting and steel weakness dont help either, and as well as having a Sr weakness, its vulnerable to spikes and T-spikes too. Thanks to scarf it'll be switching out often.

Drago has a few common weakness that you can exploit. Sashmamo and band weavile can outspeed an unboosted drago or surive one, and OHKo back with STAB ice moves, and if lacking extreme speed, revenge kill if multiscale is broken. Phasing it out removes it's boosts and allows an opportunity for SR to be laid up, removing its scale. Faster, banded dragons do well, having a good way to remove this threat quickly, thought cannot approach safely upon 2 boosts as it will normally outspeed even scarfers then.
[1]: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfvNhyAs0mT30nyJM5xEo-d5_w0njA4_Ot8zwTlS8R_6Hvys6X

My Dragonite pic :D :D :D
Ikr? :P
This Dragonite can be killed by a Dragon Gem Draco Meteor from Latios or a Specs Draco Meteor since this is Singles. It even has a 43.75% chance to OHKO 252/0 Dragonite through Multiscale with the earlier mentioned attacks.
I have used this dragonite before to great success. It's pretty frickin' awesome. The only thing that I use different is jolly nature because I have gotten into dragon dancing wars with other dragonites, and jolly was the difference maker.
1 vote

Here is my favourite UU lead.
Ambipom @ Life Orb
enter image description here
Ability: Technician
EV's: 252 Att/ 252 Spe/ 4 Sp. Def
Nature: Jolly (+Spe; - Sp. Att)
- Fake Out
- Low Sweep
- Payback
-Aerial Ace

Well, Ambipom may seem really cliche, but I really like leading with it. Wih Life Orb + Technician these moves can do some real damage. I remember that I once OHKO'd a Raikou with Fake Out (might have a got a crit, though - I can't remember), but anyway if you like offensive leads then this is really good.
Fake Out is often predictable, so if they have a Ghost type on their team maybe predict a switch and go for Payback instead. Or maybe play it safe and use Fake Out anyway? Anyway Fake Out is free damage (also gets STAB), Payback deals with Ghosts, Low Sweep lowers Speed and is good for Rock and Steel types. Aerial Ace is for more coverage, and does wonders against Heracross.

While I really like Ambipom, there are some things to watch out for when using it. Bulky Ghost types like Cofagrigus and Eviolite Dusclops can easily survive Payback and completely cripple him with Will-o-Wisp. Fighting types that can survive an Aerial Ace (or have a Focus Sash, or is a Sawk with Sturdy, both assuming it isn't broken by Fake Out) or are faster than Ambipom (although Jolly Ambipom is difficult to beat for Speed) can completely decimate it with a STAB Close Combat.

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Did you see my answer? Follow the etiquette, try to post as much info as you can. Lists its weakness, how its better than its rivals etc:
I'm not trying to sound argumentative, but I just want to point out that the rules state you only have to include 4 moves, Ev's, nature, and held item. Anything else is a bonus. However, I will still edit my answer to include some of that stuff in a bit.
Tbh Prof this answer is good enough, not everyone likes adding in as much detail like you and I ;P
Also sometimes it's not necessary.
1 vote

Ubers Lead: Deoxys Speed
Everyone that is familiar with the ubers environment knows that this may be one of the most common starters in ubers. He is used a lot for a reason, he can almost always get up stealth rocks, spikes, and screens with very little trouble. This makes him extremely valuable on hyper-offensive teams. Hyper offense is pretty big in ubers as well, and those rocks or spikes can be the difference maker for getting KO's which in turn hugely affects the game.
The set:
Deoxys Speed@ focus sash
enter image description here
Ability: Pressure
EV's: 252 speed/ 252 hp/ 4 sp def
+speed -att
Stealth Rock
Magic Coat

This set serves one main purpose: set up hazrds. It's speed is only matched by certain choice scarf users and other Deoxys. Taunt is there to stop other taunters and darkrai. Magic coat is for other Deoxys that think they can set up rocks as well. If you feal you need an attacking move you can switch a hazard or taunt for ice beam, shadow ball, or psycho boost so that you aren't complete taunt bait.

Checks and counters: Magic Bounce espeon and Xatu can be a real pain if Deoxys doesn't carry shadow ball or ice beam. They are definitely Deoxys' hardest counter. Any Magic coat user, such as other Deoxys is a good counter. Cloyster with icicle spear, shell smash, and rapid spin is a solid counter, but extremely rare. Darkrai can put Deoxys to sleep and turn it into setup bait with nasty plot. Setup Pokemon in general give it trouble if it lacks taunt.

Why should you use him?:
Deoxys has a godly speed stat, meaning, that with a focus sash, it is almost guaranteed to set up at least one hazard. Forretress can be used, but it can't taunt setup Pokemon or magic coat status and hazards. It may get you one hazard down and be a decent dragon sponge, but if it lacks lum berry, it is destroyed by darkrai. And if it lacks custap berry, it is extremely easy for any special attacker to destroy it with it only getting to set up one hazard. Deoxys is extremly frail, but with taunt and magic coat it can stop status, hazard, and setup sweepers from taking advantage of its lack of strengh.

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1 vote

Kyurem-Black @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Ice Beam
- Fusion Bolt
- Hidden Power [Fire]/Iron Head
- Earth Power

This thing is a monster in OU. With enough speed to outspeed things like rotom-w, heatran, and azumarill, it can usually take down 2-3 Pokemon before going down itself. Even if kyurem doesn't ohko the opponent, it can usually take a hit fairly well. HP fire is to hit ferrothorn and skarmory, and iron head is for fairies not named azumarill. The only thing it really needs to worry about is things like mega lopunny, keldeo, and choice band scizor. Also, there aren't many counters to lando-t, gliscor, and bulky chomp, and kyurem is the best by far. Some viable teammates are probably heatran and talonflame, as they cover kyurem's main weaknesses. I might edit in another Pokemon later. Until then, try this out and maybe give some feedback in the comments. Good luck!

1 vote

This lead set is for Gen 8 SS NU, and the Pokemon I'll be covering is...


Kabutops @ Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

This Kabutops set is used as a suicide lead in Gen 8 SS NU for Hyper Offense teams. Stealth provides an entry hazard to chip opposing Pokemon. Rapid Spin lets you clear away hazards from your side. Knock Off allows you to remove items and is useful against Ghost-types who try to spinblock. Weak Armor lets you get a speed boost upon an opposing Pokemon using a contact move on it. This set is used in the first few turns of battle, as you want to get rocks up and don't have hazards on your side.

Since this lead set is for Hyper Offense teams, setup sweepers such Blastoise, Salazzle, Silvally-Ground, Decidueye, and Tyrantrum are good teammates for Kabutops.

Why should you use Kabutops over another lead Pokemon?

Aerodactyl and Froslass are other options for suicide leads in Gen 8 NU. Both Pokemon use Taunt to clear entry hazards. While Kabutops uses Rapid Spin, Kabutops does something the other two lead options: deal out good damage to opposing Pokemon and remove items from opposing Pokemon via Knock Off. Knock Off removing items will always make some sort of progress in games.

Checks and Counters

Physically defensive Pokemon such as Mudsdale and Stakataka take little damage from Kabutop's moves, though Knock Off cripples them. Other than that, there really aren't many checks and counters to this set (aside from opposing leads Froslass and Aerodactyl), as this set's job is to set rocks, get rid of hazards, if any, on your side, then d*e in the first few turns of battles.

That's all to this lead Kabutops set. Enjoy! :)

0 votes

Interesting question. Since I wanted to include an answer for each tier, Im just gonna go through each one.


Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Landorus is the most used Pokemon in OU, and for a reason. With Choice Scarf it outspeeds pretty much everything in the format, and with Intimidate to buff Physical Attackers off the bat, and access to moves like U-Turn to gain momentum makes it an awesome scouter and lead.


Galvantula @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Volt Switch
- Thunder
- Sticky Web

The reason Galvantula is most used in UU is because it has sticky webs, along with compound eyes Thunder, ect. With the ability to Volt Switch out into a better lead, just like how Landorus U-Turns out in OU, gives amazing momentum and the ability to be able to get a guarantee Sticky Webs up, with Focus Sash, helps out in games so much.


Ambipom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Return
- Low Kick
- U-turn

I have always loved Ambipom, and with Fake Out an U-Turn, it is by far the best lead in RU. Fake Out, with Technician, Life Orb and STAB puts it at a power of 117! Thats more powerful than Earthquake! And, it guarantees a flinch and always goes first! Then, once you've put out immense damage you can stay in to clear your opponent with a Return or Low Kick, or U-Turn out for momentum and into a better Pokemon to deal with you opponent! C'mon now!


In NU it was hard to choose between Sneasel and this guy, but Hariyama came through!

Hariyama @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch

Here he is! With fake out, and that much bulk, combined with Assault Vest, makes this guy able to take any hit and fire back with a Close Combat, then a Bullet Punch to the FACE to finish you off! With coverage moves like Earthqauke, nothing can stop this man from putting in work.

Anyway, thats as far as I'll go, but still thats only my 2 cents. Hope somebody out there found this useful.
