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If you have a good competitive moveset for Barbaracle, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Barbaracle Pokedex and learnset for reference.

Barbaracle sprite


15 Answers

4 votes

Shell Smash FTW !

I do not like it. Honestly.

enter image description here

Barbaracle @ Focus Sash:
Trait: Though Claws
EV: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Jolly nature

  • Shell Smash
  • Dragon Claw
  • Razor Shell
  • Cross Chop / Stone Edge

Shell Smash set. Cloyster > Barbaracle, but we are not going to see that thing in OU, where Venusaur will demolish it, nor in UU where Victini will care of it with Thunderbolt. I included a max of contact moves so that it get an advantage, and the focus sash provides it to endure a hit after Shell smash, allowing for an eventual sweep, by looking at the EV spread and nature.
Razor Shell is your STAB and contact move, main one. Cross Chop, I would use it over Stone Edge for contact purposes. Dragon Claw = Dragon KOing. Enjoy !

It's enemies:

  • Mold Breaker
  • Hazards
  • Priorities

Honestly, frankly, I prefer Carracosta over that thing, but I'm not saying it is not worthy of a try.

This is almost the set I would suggest, so I won't be answering this. However, I will make some suggestions:
Likely tier is probably going to be RU, and the reason for this I believe I elaborated in the metagame speculation thread. If not, then somebody else gave the reasons for me.

In the RU tier, Dragon Claw is going to basically be useless. There is only one Dragon who sees any regular use in the tier (Druddigon) and one more might be added if my Dragalge predictions are correct. As such, I'd suggest replacing it with an assured Stone Edge, which is still a technical base 150 power attack (STAB is one of the reasons I would suggest Stone Edge over Cross Chop on the above set also, as Cross Chop is a technical 133 base power. In addition, Stone Edge gives better coverage than Cross Chop.) I'd then honestly go with Life Orb as the item, as Focus Sash is often too difficult to pull off.

Again, I think this guy will be a pretty big threat in RU, as it is a Shell Smasher with enough Speed to outspeed base 105 Scarfers after a Shell Smash.
Yup, right. Commandant Trachy said it all. So Stone Edge > Cross Chop.
I would use X-scissor over Dragon Claw.
I like Carracosta too but it's for a different role than Barbaracle. With Barbaracle's base 68 Speed it's a better Shell Smash sweeper, while Carracosta has Aqua Jet and takes hits better with Solid Rock/Sturdy
2 votes

This guy could work well so long as you get the grass types out of it's way.

Barbaracle @ Choice Band
Ability: Tough Claws/Sniper
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab/Cross Chop
- Stone Edge
- Razor Shell

EgdeQuake combo with secondary STAB in Razor Shell with Poison Jab for coverage against any grass types and fairy types. Tough Claws is ultimate death to anything as Razor Shell and Poison Jab both get the 33% boost.

Or if you choose to run Sniper, in which case you can run Cross Chop and this way you can smash through any set-up walls with three moves having incredible chance to crit.

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Stone Edge actually doesn't get the boost.
I will edit that then, I thought it did :/
2 votes


Barbaracle is pretty easily one of the coolest offensive threats introduced in Gen VI, even though it is not used frequently. I mostly use it for casual battles; It can be a bit inconsistent in serious matches, but nevertheless it can put in some serious work.

Barbaracle @ White Herb / Air Balloon / Life Orb
Ability: Tough Claws.
EVs: 96 HP / 252 Atk / 160 Spe
Adamant / Naughty Nature.
- Shell Smash
- Liquidation
- Stone Edge/Cross Chop
- Cross Chop/Grass Knot/Earthquake

Barbaracle is a Shell Smash Sweeper that is capable of adapting itself to its environment. It prefers to run some moves and items more than others, sure, but one of its greatest traits is its ability to overcome most threats when called to do so. That's it's greatest advantage: Its a sweeper that can get past almost anything your team needs in particular, and the main reason to use it over other Shell Smashers such as Cloyster. It's held back while setting up mostly by its defensive typing, but can overcome its limitations through the use of its item, added bulk though HP EVs, and of course through team support; As a Rock-Type, it's definitely worth mentioning that it gets a Sp. Defense boost in Sandstorm, which can help it take certain Special hits such as Thunderbolt. Using Barbaracle overall though definitely requires some idea on what kinds of Pokes you will be facing. For example, since Barbaracle has decent defensive stats, HP EVs can become clutch when it comes to taking hits safely and surviving faster moves, but you don't want to be outsped at +2 Speed by something particularly important. The given speed EVS let you outspeed base 143 Speed at +2; Add or remove HP/Speed EVs as needed, or just dump everything into Speed at your own peril.

Liquidation is the only standard attack a Tough Claws Barbaracle should use; It's a far more powerful (factoring Tough Claws) and reliable than anything else it has to offer, courtesy of STAB and the fact that Water is a solid attacking Type. Stone Edge is secondary STAB and its 100BP is a good compliment to Liquidation despite not getting a boost from Tough Claws, however it's a less effective attacking option overall given that it's weaker and significantly less accurate than Liquidation. It's used mainly for Grass-Types, and therefore, something else dedicated at covering its main STAB move may prove to be more beneficial. Cross Chop is my personal favored option in the last slot. Because it gets the Tough Claws boost, it can hit respectably hard even when not supereffective and decimates Grass/Steel Types in particular.

White Herb is a simple option to help Barbaracle retain its bulk after setting up a Shell Smash. It helps prevent it from being picked off to easily, especially by either slower attacks during its setup turn or priority later on. However, it's just as important for it to get KOs after Smashing, and Life Orb can help with that; Especially while in Rain, Life Orb can help Barbaracle truck foes with Liquidation without needing to resort to coverage moves. In addition, Grass Knot is meant to be used with Life Orb in order to help it deal with problem Water-Types ranging from Seismitoad to Unaware Quagsire. On the other hand, Barbaracle can really mess people over by running an Air Balloon. This item gives it a temporary immunity to Ground-Type moves, but despite the fact that it's only temporary, it usually isn't a problem because one turn for Shell Smash is all it needs. Because it is weak to Ground normally, it usually loses to Ground-Types 1v1, but with the item it beats them handily. You can even switch into Ground-Type moves for free if you got guts. Even if the opponent is just using Ground-Type moves, and isn't a Ground-Type itself, Air Balloon can still help protect Barbaracle from taking too much damage by forcing suboptimal moves. It also protects it from entry hazards such as Toxic Spikes and Sticky Web, which is a nice bonus.

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1 vote

"Executioner" Barbaracle
enter image description here

12HP, 252 Attack, 244 Speed
Adamant/Jolly Nature.
Item: Lansat Berry

  • Shell Smash
  • Substitute
  • Stone Edge/Cross Chop
  • Shadow Claw/Cross Chop/Liquidation

At first, Sniper doesn't seem like a great ability on Barbaracle--It doesn't learn Focus Energy to boost its critical hit rate, and even if it did, Shell Smash is far superior because it also boosts its speed, in addition to the fact that Tough Claws is already a generally better ability. However, this set is so powerful, it makes even Belly-Drum Users look pitifully weak. Almost nothing stands in the way of this Barbaracle, and there is not a Pokemon alive that can withstand the full, unadulterated power of its STAB stone edge. This set doesn't need to worry about tanky Pokemon standing in its way. You use this set when you want a sweeper that takes no prisoners, one that mows down all before it regardless of its adversary's defensive typing. Once this set is set up, it is more than likely that the only way your opponent can stop this Barbaracle is by bringing in a revenge killer.

+2 Attack from Shell Smash causes it to deal 2x damage. Sniper causes critical hits to deal 2.25x damage. However, the two stack beautifully, causing Barbaracle to receive a 4.5x damage multiplier when both are set into play. To put into perspective, going +6 Attack gives 4x damage, meaning that this set goes even beyond the normal limits a Pokemon can boost. How does Barbaracle guarantee critical hits? Well, you need three boosts to your critical hit rate to make it happen. Stone Edge, Cross Chop, and Shadow Claw have a naturally increased critical hit ratio, meaning just using these moves gives Barbaracle the first +1. The other two stages come from Lansat berry--It's a pinch berry that gives the focus energy effect when active, which is the remaining two stage boost Barabaracle needs. By using substitute, it can safely lower its HP down to Lansat berry range. Using Substitute is safe enough that, if Barbaracle can set up a Shell Smash, getting both boosts active is virtually assured. Furthermore, Substitute can potentially aid in setting up a Shell Smash by blocking incoming moves such as Will-o-Wisp or Toxic. Shadow Claw and Liquidation are 100% accurate alternatives to Stone Edge and Cross Chop, but they don't deal nearly as much damage. They're still more than enough to do the job, though, because even the seemingly weak shadow claw can easily OHKO most Pokemon with naturally high defensive stats, given that they are otherwise uninvested.

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0 votes

Barbaracle @ Rindo Berry
Trait: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Def / 4 Speed
Impish nature

  • Bulk Up
  • Cross Chop
  • Razor Shell
  • Earthquake/Stone Edge

Bulk Up will boost attack and defense
Cross Chop STAB contact move.
Razor Shell STAB contact move and also may lower defense.
Earthquake or Stone Edge because their powerful moves since its ability is Tough Claws and since it uses bulk up if you picked Bulk Up.

Cross Chop isn't STAB, Stone Edge is.
Use him in the sand to make him even more bulky if you go with bulk up
0 votes

I think the best set will be shell smash + unresisted neutral coverage. here is my set:

Jolly (+speed, -spatk)
ability: tough claws (powers up contact moves)
held item: shell bell, leftovers, or lum berry (ward off flame body/static)
EV'S: 4hp, 252atk, 252spe

razor shell-primary stab, reduces opponent's def
shadow claw-coverage, high critical hit rate
brick break/power-up punch -coverage + screen breaking/additional boosting
shell smash-instantly doubles attack and speed, making you hit like a truck

ghost-fighting is unresisted by all Pokemon and this type combination of water-ghost-fighting hits over half of all Pokemon for a supereffective hit. the rest are hit neutrally, which will still be a lot of damage/ohko after a smash or two if you can manage it. I recommend having a layer of spikes or rocks out to eliminate sturdy/focus sash threats. Sand will also boost his special defense to make him quite bulky, which may allow him to set up a shell smash or two

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I would opt for Poison Jab rather than Shadow Claw because of the grass weakness and 30% poison chance.
0 votes

This 5 headed guy is a good sweeper, but it's gonna be OHKOED in OU.

Here's The Set :

enter image description here
Barbaracle @ Life Orb / Rindo Berry
Ability : Tough Claws
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 HP
Adamant Nature

  • Shell Smash / Swords Dance

  • X-Scissor / Poison Jab

  • Stone Edge / Cross Chop

  • Razor Shell

This guy will never get to OU. Look at the grass type threats it faces in OU - RU :

OU :

Breloom, Celebi, Ferrothorn And Venusaur.

UU :

Abomasnow, Roserade, Shaymin And Virizion.

RU :

Amoonguss, Ferroseed, Lilligant, Rotom-Mow, Sceptile, Tangrowth and Whimsicott.

Overall, this guy is good. But it should have some support.

0 votes

Shell Smash + perfect coverage

Tough Claws
Expert belt*, Shell bell, Life Orb, White herb
EV's: 4hp, 252atk, 252spd

Shell smash - instantly double your attack and speed

Stone Edge - STAB, higher crit rate, but only 80acc

Earthquake - coverage

X-scissor/Poison Jab - Coverage, wreck grass switch-ins

The choice between X-scissor and Poison jab is tough for a lot of reasons. Edge-quake is resisted by only a few Pokemon (disregarding levitating steel or ground types, which can easily be countered by one or more of your teammates). Breloom, Chesnaught, Virizion, and Torterra all naturally resist Edge-Quake. The first three are weak to poison, but neutral to bug, and the last of the four is neutral to poison. Chesnaught easily takes a +2 X-scissor at 50% health loss per XS, but cannot stomach a poison jab with prior damage from spikes or stealth rock. Breloom, Torterra, and Virizion are ohko'd by either coverage move.

Levitating Pokemon that resist Edge-Quake: Flygon, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, and Bronzong. Flygon is neutral to bug, but resists poison and has only a 6.3% chance of being OHKO'd by SE after stealth rock, but it cannot switch in on an X-scissor without getting OHKO'd, regardless of an entry hazard. Solrock, Lunatone, and Claydol are all weak to XS and will get OHKO'd. Sassy Bronzong is immune to poison, but takes neutral damage from XS and loses half of its health from SE, so it isn't a safe switch unless it switches in on earthquake. Physically defensive Bronzong still cannot take 2 XS, but is no longer 2hko'd by Edge-XS. Given that, a fully defensive set will not be able to do much against you and can easily be revenge-killed via pursuit (now neutral against steel, making it supereffective and a guaranteed kill).

That said, gravity support would work wonders for the barnacle in dealing with these potential counters.

0 votes

Ok, Barbaracle... a very weird looking Pokemon but personly I like him so i'm making a moveset for him:

Barbaracle @ White Herb
Ability: Tough Claws
Nature: Impish
EV's: 252 Atk 252 Def 4 HP

Shell Smash: Smash dat shell and get back your defense with white herb!

Poison Jab: Massive damage with tough claws and shell smash boost + grass types = fainted.

Razor Shell: STAB, great power with shell smash and tough claws.

Brick Break: Great power and with tough claws it can take out steel types.

Hope you liked the moveset ;)

0 votes

Barbaracle the Barbarian

enter image description here
Barbaracle @Leftovers/Focus Sash/Sitrus Berry
Ability #Tough Claws
Nature #Adamant
Evs #252Hp ☆248Atk ♥8Sdef
Shell Smash
Poison Jab or Air Slash (Grass Coverage)
Stone Edge
Razor Shell/Equake/Cross Chop

Do you mean aerial ace instead of air slash?
0 votes

Barbaracle @ Scope Lens
Trait: Sniper
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Def
Jolly/Adamant Nature

  • Hone Claws
  • Cross Chop
  • Stone Edge
  • Razor Shell

Hone Claws boosts attack and accuracy; extremely useful for this moveset
Cross Chop has a high crit ratio with good power
Stone Edge also has a high crit ratio and is a good STAB move
Razor Shell is a good STAB move with a high chance to lower defense

Sniper and Scope Lens have always been a great combo, but are even greater with moves that already have high critical hit ratios.

0 votes

Barbaracle (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sniper
Evs: 252 Atk, 6 Def, 252 Spd
Nature: Adamant (+Atk,-Sp.Atk)
- Stone Edge
- Razor Shell
- Cross Chop
- Shadow Claw

0 votes

All Around Kind of guy
Barbaracle- Careful (White Herb) (Assault Vest)
250 Hp 180 Special Defense 80 Attack
Ability Sniper for Crits or Tough Claws For 33% Damage
Shell Smash (Boost) or Dragon Claw (Coverage)
Stone Edge (Stab)
Cross Chop (Coverage)
Razor Shell (Stab) Or Nigh Slash (Coverage and Crit)

0 votes

Gen 6:
Barbaracle@Scope Lens
Trait: Sniper
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 126 HP, 128 Defense, 126 Attack, 128 Sp. Defense
Role: Physical Tank


  • Stone Edge
  • Razor Shell
  • Cross Chop
  • Clamp or Bulk Up
0 votes

Gen 7-8 RU

Barbaracle @ White Herb / Rockium-Z (Gen 7 only)
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Liquidation
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake / Substitute

Shell Smash boosts your attack and speed. Liquidation is STAB that gets boosted by Tough Claws. Stone Edge is also STAB. If you use this set in Gen 7, you can use Rockium-Z to avoid having to deal with the 80% accuracy. Earthquake is coverage that hits electric types. Substitute can be used instead for scouting moves and can help avoid status conditions that would cripple it such as burns and paralysis.
