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If you have a good competitive moveset for Meowstic, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Meowstic Pokédex and learnset for reference.

Sprite Sprite

Shouldn't there be a moveset question for each gender?

14 Answers

3 votes

Meowstic (M) @ Light Clay / Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave / Yawn
- Psychic / Psyshock

Standard Dual Screens Prankster set. Prankster Light Screen and Reflect allows Meowstic (Male) to enable hyper offense teams that appreciate the safety to setup more easily. Prankster Thunder Wave slows down faster Pokemon trying to take advantage of Meowstic-M. Yawn can be considered to force a switch to get in a teammate and potentially put a Pokemon to sleep. Psychic is used to allow Meowstic-M to deal some sort of damage and prevents it from being completely crippled by Taunt. Psyshock can be used to target Pokemon with a weaker defense stat to deal more damage to them.

Prankster giving priority to 3 of its moves means Meowstic-M can use a bulkier EV spread to help take attackers better since there isn't a point to investing in speed.

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Maybe you should show which gender, because the male and female have different moves
I did. (M) means male.
I see a little problem... what about dark types? If your battling a trainer with a dark type Pokemon and this meowstic is all you got left, how will you defeat the dark type?
Switch out.
Jar I said that if the meowstic is your last Pokemon
By that point in a battle, you've lost, some pokemon can't cover every situation. which is why you play smart, for instance, you can send out meowstic first to set up, then withdraw it for a fighting or bug type if a dark type shows up.
2 votes

enter image description here
Meowtic (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atj
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Shadow Ball / Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Energy Ball

The 2 first moves are STABs: Psychic and Psyshock. It is your decision to hit hard sensible Pokémon physically or specially. Meowstic has an OK moveset. But NU is its home, for sure. I insist on the 0 IVs attack so that Foul Play cannot do much of damage, because Meowstic is not that solid. Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse covers the exact same types: Psychic and Ghost. But Dark Pulse flinches, while Shadow Ball has more viability as hitting fairies for neutral damage unlike Dark Pulse and reducing the special defense. ThunderBolt is coverage, as is Energy Ball.

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1 vote

Meowstic (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Serious Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Calm Mind
- Substitute / Shadow Ball
- Psychic / Psyshock

I use my Meowstic both support and sweeper for support I use:
Thunder Wave
Switch to Smeargle
Belly Drum
Baton Pass to Absol
Then Sweep
If used for sweeping:
Thunder Wave
Calm Mind until the Subsitute breaks
Psychic spam!

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Why not a Calm (spd+,att-) or Bold (def+, att-) nature? And instead of the Female, try the male one since it has Prankster. But im just suggesting ideas.
Once again, can't hit dark types. Useless if one comes in.
Meowstic is a psychic type. They aren't meant to go against dark types. Using the meowstic instead of a different, more effective pokemon to deal with the dark type is something only an idiot would do. You could go for thunderbolt, which hits more pokemon in NU supereffective, but cant hit a more common type: ground, or you could go dark pulse,  which hits 10 extra pokemon not-very-effective, but can hit any pokemon in the game. While dark pulse has 5 extra pp and a chance to flinch, it is weaker, and isn't stab. So yeah, dark pulse is more reliable, as it hits more pokemon supereffective and normally-effective, but is less powerful. Your choice.
1 vote

I'll post a moveset for both male and female! I hope you enjoy!
Meowstic sprite
Role Played: Double-battle defense and weather supporter

Meowstic (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 156 Def / 102 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Sunny Day / Rain Dance
- Psychic

Holding the Light Clay, Meowstic's Light Screen and Reflect will last longer. Which move you use depends on the defenses of your team. Sunny Day and Rain Dance will go first because of Prankster, and will help support your companion's moves (ex: Thunder and Solar Beam) Psychic is STAB, but you could always replace it with Thunderbolt or Shadow Ball for coverage. Knowing that Meowstic won't last too long in battle, you need to think fast and use the move that you see fit.
Meowstic sprite
Role Played: Supporter and Attacker

Meowstic (F) @ Metronome
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Signal Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Energy Ball / Thunderbolt

Using the Metronome, Meowstic is able to use the same move repeatedly and have it grow power over time. Psyshock is for STAB, and it hits the foe's physical defense, which is something that the foe may not expect. Signal Beam is both coverage and protection against its Dark-Type weakness. Dark Pulse is for the flinch chance, and coverage against its Ghost-Type weakness. The last move is your choice, but it's recommended that you use Energy Ball or Thunderbolt for further coverage.

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For the Male, I'm curious as to why you're putting 252 EV's into Speed, seeing as he has Prankster and 4 of the 5 possible moves you selected would go first under Prankster. The only competitive reason I see for investing 252 in Speed is to outspeed other Pranster/ priority users like Thundurus.
1 vote

Lipstic (Meowstic) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Yawn
- Swagger
- Substitute
- Psychic

Use Yawn or Swagger, and then set up a Substitute. Then proceed to Psychic until death. Pretty simple.

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Horrible move set needs a movset like this:

Psychic / Stored power
Shadow ball
Signal beam
Calm mind

Be female if you use this BTW ☺☺☺
He wasn't going for a moveset like that. He wanted a technical/support meowstic. In fact, I would suggest Dark pulse instead of psychic, because dark pulse can hit all pokemon in the game, while psychic can't hit dark types.
1 vote

Meowstic (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Trick
- Charm
- Yawn
- Psychic

This Meowstic set allows you to cripple one Pokemon and to shuffle around the opponent's team a lot! Trick is used to switch items with your opponent. Not many Pokemon appreciate a Choice Scarf and therefore hindering them useless. Not to mention you get priority due to the Prankster ability. Charm is used to lower the opponent's Attack by a lot. Yawn is mainly used to force a switch or if possible put a Pokemon to sleep. Finally, we need an attacking move or else Meowstic will be Taunt bait, so Psychic to be able to hit the opponent for some decent damage.

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0 votes

This is for the male variant

Meowstic (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Misty Terrain
- Thunder Wave
- Shadow Ball

What I'he noticed from looking at the male is that he can hard counter almost any form of staller.
Psychic is STAB. Very useful for dealing with Mega Blaziken because one of those can be a huge threat to a team.
Thunder Wave is for getting a speed de-buff and maybe para-hacks. It can also stop protect which is always nice. If it doesn't Infiltrator will let you land a hit.
Misty Terrain is for blocking Toxic stallers. Misty Terrain blocks status effects so that toxic cant work. This is especially good for Poison Heal Gliscor's as they cannot poison themselves.
Shadow ball is coverage.

Hope this helps.

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your reasoning for misty terrain does not check out as gliscor is flying type and the typing flying means off the ground and misty terrain only effects on the ground pokemon please check what the move does before saying how you can use it in competitive play as you are lieing about how misty terrain can be used
0 votes

Role: Support

Meowstic (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave
- Psyshock

Great! Another Prankster Pokemon!!
The moveset is pretty darn simple.
Use it's ability to help you set up your walls with Light Screen/ Reflect
Thunder Wave is to cripple those pesky Physical Sweepers, so your team can proceed to sweep.
Psyshock is there so you won't be total Taunt bait. Most Pokemon weak to Psychic types are also pretty hefty on Sp. Def, so hitting them for Physical damage can be quite a kicker.

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0 votes

Meowstic (F) @ Choice Specs / Choice Scarf
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 4 Def or SpD / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Psyshock / Psychic
- Signal Beam
- Thunderbolt / Energy Ball
- Dark Pulse / Hidden Power [Fire] / Hidden Power [Ice]

So, the Nature depends on how you want to run Meowstic. Quick sweeper, or Powerhouse.
The Choice item can also differentiate with the nature, or situation. The EV spread is in itself simple. That last point is just there to help survive against either a physical or special attack of some sort.

Running Specs with a Timid nature would give it some power, while running Scarf with Modest nature would give it a beneficial speed boost, while dishing out the pain. You can even switch it up to whereas running the Specs with Modest could give you the maximum amount of damage to dish out, while Scarf and Timid would almost Guarantee that you can outspeed pokes like Greninja, whom of which is a very big threat.

Psyshock should be the main choice here, since there are a lot of special walls in her Tier. You can run Psychic if you're really confident in her power, and also want a bit of extra STAB.

Signal Beam is a Necessity in this case. Without it, She would be defenseless against Dark adversaries. Also hits Grass Types pretty hard, and has a chance to confuse if the target hasn't been finished off.

Thunderbolt or Energy Ball really depend on what you want to cover. Both cover annoying Water Types, but T-Bolt can also eliminate any Flying Types that are a pain, while Energy Ball can help eliminate threats like Quagsire and Seismitoad.

The last move is pretty tricky. Dark Pulse is there to cover any Ghost Types you encounter. HP Fire is there to cover threats like Ferrothorn and Scizor. HP Ice is for Coverage against any Dragon Types.

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0 votes

Here is my Favorite Set

Physical Tank/Support + Screen Setter

Meowstic (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Yawn
- Charm
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Yawn : Annoys
Charm : Also Annoys physical attacker
Reflect : More Annoys Physical Attacker
Light Screen : for a better spdef on a team

Yawn for a free switch to our setup
Bad when fighting a dark type or taunt
Not really good when fighting a special attacker of dark,ghost and bug.

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Taunt completely disables this setup, if the purpose of this setup is to annoy the opponent why put any EVs into Attack? Why not Speed or Special Defense? As soon as the opponent Taunts you'll have to switch and give your opponent a free turn to attack.
0 votes

I like this set when there is no dark Pokemon on my opponent

Prankster Assist Spore

Meowstic (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Assist
- Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Substitute

The Gimmick:
Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Ability: Moody
- Roar
- Spore
- Protect
- Shadow Force

How to use:
Go for Assist then Substitute,then Nasty Plot till' 4x but if they woke up,assist again and sub.Finally Psyshock when 4x.

-Assist will always go for spore,execpt if 4 other team member know other move that effect assist
-Fighting dark,Insomia,grass,safety googles = Lose
-Always use spore if the enemy woke up
-Leftovers for more substitute
-Speed EV investment is to outspeed +1 priority bracket
-Pressure can be a PP problem
-This is not for gen 8 since there is no assist
-Don't Judge :/

List of move that Assist will not select

This is an interesting set but can u elaborate more when u say

,execpt if 4 other team member know other move that effect assist

Based on my understanding, using this greatly affects teambuilding choices,is this right?
0 votes

Bad Whimsicott (For VGC 2021 btw)

Meowstic (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Helping Hand
- Psychic
- Fake out
- Ally Switch

EVs because no bulk lmao. Helping hand is to support teammates, Psychic is just....offense, fake out is stupidly strong in VGC, especially in Non-Dynamax Metas, of which is happening at the time of writing this. Ally switch + prankster = cheeze.

0 votes

[gen 7] I’ve never seen anyone else use this set personally, but I’ve had some pretty good results myself.

Kurimu (Meowstic) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Def / 212 SpD / 44 Spe
Timid Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Snatch
- Psychic / Psyshock / Dark Pulse / Signal Beam / etc.

Basically: be relatively bulky, steal the enemy’s boosts/healing, and once you’ve stored up enough use your only attacking move. I’m aware that it has its weaknesses, but I don’t think many people anticipate this set.

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0 votes

Gen 9

Meowstic (M) @ Wise Glasses / Choice Specs (if not using Nasty Plot)
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Fire / Psychic
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Nasty Plot / Tera Blast

Tera Type: Fire (if Tera Blast instead of Nasty Plot) or Psychic (more damage on your already STAB Psychic move)

So basically, since male Meowstic is much more well known as a support mon, why not trick your opponents into thinking that he's one? I present to you the Hyper-Offensive Male Meowstic. I went with Tera Fire since that way with his other moves he would be able to hit nearly everything for neutral or super effective damage. If you're not running Nasty Plot on him, then you can alternatively have a different teammate set up Special Attack boosts and Baton Pass to Meowstic.

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