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2 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Dedenne, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Dedenne Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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23 Answers

3 votes

Dedenne (F) @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thunder Punch
- Play Rough
- Substitute
- Recycle

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2 votes

Mediocre stats. At least, it has an excellent typing, only weak to Ground and Poison.
enter image description here

Ailment Absorber (needed 15 minutes to understand the role)

Dedenne @ Lum Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Sleep Talk
- Grass Knot
- Thief

This is unusual. Oh but wut... That thing has an excellent typing alongside no STAB Fairy move, bar the useless Play Rough, a maximum of Electric Move, and useless abilities with no moves to take profit. I mean, come on. If this thing get Recycle, then we could use well Cheek Pouch to quickly annoy. Instead, we will have to Thief the other's berry, use them and heal ourselves. The Lum Berry is for if ever you are hurt by a status ailment, thus recovering HP and curing the ailment. Grass Knot is a filler as the moveset is nonexistent. And Volt Switch is for scouting purposes.

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sleep talk?
Transfer Dedenne over to ORAS and go to the move tutors in Kiloude City, then you can teach it Recycle. And Sleep Talk? You don't have Rest in the move set and the Lum Berry will cancel the Sleep so why put it there? Thief, AND Grass Knot are also not very good moves because your opponent could easily be holding an  item like a Flame/ Toxic Orb or a Choice Band instead, and that wouldn't be very good would it? And for Grass Knot, Who is that gonna be Super Effective against? Water, Ground, and Rock Types, But wait, your already gonna be good against two of them so basically, it's kinda a waste of space, the only good move on there is volt switch, in my opinion.
good moveset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF YOU WANT TO LAST FOR ONLY 2 TURNS !
"That fu**ing " should be removed
2 votes

Ergh why don't you have a good STAB fairy move?

Dedenne @ Choice Specs
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Timid / Naive Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch / U-turn

Base 101 speed in tandem with base 81 sp atk actually makes dedenne a little more threatening than he looks. Taking advantage of the fact that he outspeeds most of his likely metagame (nu), dedenne dons a fine pair of glasses to see his enemies fall to his electric rage. Thunderbolt is obligatory STAB, while grass knot is handy for those heavier bulky opponents, notably seismatoad. HP Ice forms a weaker bolt-beam, while the last slot is devoted to momentum.

It should be noted that a Fairy type hidden power is not possible

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What is the point of having the ability Cheek Pouch on a set that isn't carrying a berry? Cheek Pouch + Recycle is pretty much Dedenne's best niche, with an Aguav/Wiki berry (or a Lum Berry if you want a status absorber). Thunderbolt and Hidden Power Ice have near-perfect coverage, and Volt Switch takes advantage of Dedenne's excellent speed.
Because all of its other abilities are useless on this set, I guess?
2 votes

SubSalac Sweeper

Dedenne @ Salac Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Charge Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Grass Knot

Although its speed is high, some threats, like scarfers and swellow, still outspeed our little magic pikachu. That's where the Salac Berry comes in. Using his decent resistances and potentially threatening offensive presence, Dedenne can set up substitutes and charge beams as it pleases until after the third substitute, it gets both a speed boost and some recovery in addition to whatever special attack boosts it has accumulated. Sweeping time. Thunderbolt is standard STAB, while HP Ice and Grass Knot can round out the set, although the latter is typically the better choice.

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2 votes

Dedenne @ Whatever
Ability: Plus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Entrainment
- Grass Knot
- Protect/Charge Beam
- Thunderbolt/Thunder Wave

Dedenne could be used on a Plus/Minus team in a triple battle. Use Entrainment to turn an ally's ability to Plus and boost their special attack. Team him with Klingklang for an automatic boost, then choose any Pokemon you want to add the plus ability to, like a good special sweeper, and boost the special attack even more. Use Protect to stay alive longer or Charge Beam to boost Special attack even more. Thunderbolt for more powerful Stab. Thunder Wave to annoy and slow everyone down. Grass Knot for coverage.

Other than this, I don't see Dedenne serving any other purpose. He's basically another Plusle or Minun with a few more resistances and an immunity to Dragon. He could just be a support/annoyance Pokemon, but there are better Pokemon out there for that.

I used this strategy in doubles with Mega-Zard-Y, STAB Heat Wave in the sun with Plus. That's basically 95 x .75 (reduced damage in doubles) x 1.5 (sun) x 1.5 (STAB) x 1.5 (if helping hand is used)with 50% more special attack thanks to plus. I used 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe Timid Dedenne with protect, entrainment, helping hand, and parabolic charge holding a focus sash. EV spread makes Dedenne outspeed your own timid Charizard by 1 point, so that Dedenne can entrainment before it heat waves to get the boost
1 vote

Dedenne @ Choice Specs
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Discharge
- Play Rough
- Grass Knot
- Dig

  • Discharge (Chance of Paralyzing and STAB)
  • Play Rough (STAB and chance to lower enemy's Attack)
  • Grass Knot (Good for bigger foes like Blastoise and covers Ground-types)
  • Dig (Covers Poison-types)
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1 vote

Not made for sweeping, but...

Dedenne (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
- Thunder
- Nuzzle
- Grass Knot
- Volt Switch

Dedenne is actually a unique Pokémon (although it's design can be compared a lot often to Raichu or even Hamtaro), it's typing, providing only two weakness, sure is unique. Dedenne can't actually have that much power to sweep, but against the right opponents it can surely be annoying and even defeat one or two. Assault Vest makes it a little bulkier on the special side, which is always welcome. Thunder, besides STAB, is there due to Dedenne's lack of power and Thunderbolt suddenly not being that reliable. Nuzzle is that special attacking Thunder Wave that pairs up pretty well with Assault Vest. Grass Knot is for coverage against Ground/Rock type Pokémon who think it will be easy to get a free knock out at him. And of course, Volt Switch is excellent for a final hit and free switch out.

Overall, Dedenne isn't the greatest Pokémon, it's movepool is pretty shallow and it does miss a good Fairy STAB move, but you may see some people using and I guess it's just because of its looks. So if you want to use a Dedenne, go for it!

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Hamtaro what is that lol?
1 vote

Dedenne @ Life Orb
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nuzzle
- Volt Switch
- Grass Knot
- Thunderbolt

Dedenne can be viable as a support role with its typing, speed, and nuzzle. Nuzzle is a step up from thunder wave and cannot be taunted. With paralysis support it can greatly increase your team's chance of winning. I found that it can run an assault vest set but in all reality it doesn't like to take hits, so instead I suggest using life orb for extra damage because it will more likely be able to 1HKO Pokémon like Gastrodon, Quagsire, Swampert, and Rhyperior (that is if you use Dedenne in those tiers) w/ grass knot and KO flying and water types w/ volt switch and thunderbolt. Volt Switch is for scouting purposes and leaving unfavorable matchups.

1 vote


Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Check Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Super Fang
- Nuzzle
- Charm
- Parobolic Charge / Volt Switch

I used this set and things went positive! Charm lowers the Attack, Useful for making a physical Pokemon weak, While Super Fang makes the opponent HP go down by half, Nuzzle Opponent = get Parahaxed, While Parabolic Charge regains life (If You Wanna Survive) or Volt Switch for Scouting. But You'll have a hard time killin' them Ground Types Because You Only Have One Move That Can Defeat Them ...EHO CARES ABOUT THAT? Oh Also, I Used This On A Ubers Team...It Destroyed Stuff.... ~u~

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Try using confide or eerie impulse instead of parabolic charge/volt switch for some serious (and fun) ragequits ! ! ! XD
1 vote

Dedenne @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Nuzzle
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Recycle

I know that Dedenne has a poor defence, but used correctly, this thing can sweep. Nuzzle for the paralysis, Thunderbolt for the STAB main attack, and Grass Knot for hitting those heavy ground types. Recycle to get the Petaya berry back to boost your Sp.Atk more. Dedenne already has a decent enough speed to go first against most other Pokemon.

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0 votes

Dedenne @ Lum Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Double Team
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Shock Wave

  • Substitute (Dedenne is frail, so hide behind a Substitute)
  • Double Team (Raises Evasiveness behind Substitute)
  • Hidden Power [Ice] (Covers Ground-types)
  • Shock Wave (Infinite accuracy, high PP [Max 34] STAB)
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0 votes

Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Recycle
- Nuzzle
- Signal Beam
- Charge Beam

Dedenne is a little beast!

0 votes

"Healing Machine" Moveset:
Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 126 HP / 130 Atk / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (First spread if you have Play Rough, second spread if you have Super Fang)
Jolly Nature
- Eerie Impulse
- Charm
- Recycle
- Play Rough / Super Fang

First, you Eerie Impulse or Charm on opponent depending on what type of attacks they are using. If Special, use Eerie Impulse. If Physical, use Charm. Next, once they damage you to 50% or below health, Dedenne will regain HP with the Sitrus Berry AND WITH Cheek Pouch. Then, use recycle so you can restore your berry and heal again . Finally, use Play Rough or Super Fang depending on which EVs you have. ALWAYS repeat steps.

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0 votes

Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nuzzle / Toxic
- Volt Switch
- Play Rough
- U-Turn

This little fella might not be a powerhouse, but is a respectable scout, fast enough to Paralyze or Poison multiple Pokemon. I've rarely seen it fall to a non super-effective move, and that's enough to recover HP with Sitrus Berry + Cheek Pouch and use Nuzzle. From there it's easy to outspeed them and switch to your sweeper with Volt Switch (or U-Turn in case the opponent switches to a Ground-type). Although Play Rough isn't the strongest Fairy-type move, I've seen it 2HKO multiple Dragon, Dark and Fighting Pokemon. If you just want him to inflict status and run, make him learn U-Turn and Toxic in 3rd and 4th slots. That way you almost always have an ensured advantage on your opponent, and the best part is that if it makes it out alive you can later send him again to inflict some more status.

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0 votes


Role: "Toxic Hard-to-hit buttface"

Dedenne @ Sitrus berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Double Team
- Recycle
- Thunderbolt
- Toxic

First come in and use your speed as an advantage by spamming Double Team so you can't be hit.
Then use a Toxic to make up for the damage you can't do (Dedenne isn't very good at dishing out damage; Let's face it).
Thunderbolt for STAB and good damage in general.
Recycle to recover your Sitrus Berry if it's eaten.

Trust me, its super annoying.

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0 votes

Dedenne @ Leftovers / whatever
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Volt Switch
- Rest
- Snore
- Nuzzle / Discharge

  • Volt Switch (To switch but also do Damage)
  • Rest (Restore HP)
  • Snore (Do damage while sleep)
  • Nuzzle / Discharge (Whichever’s better) (So you can deal good damage)

Hp (To be a tanker + Stall)
Spe (To be speedy so no one will catch up)
SpA (It’s -SpA so no reason..)

This Deddene won’t be killed so quickly and can switch out whenever (Not in Arena Trap Though) I think It’s good for a deddene as well.

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0 votes

Dedenne @ Kee Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 50 Def / 72 SpA / 128 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Recycle
- Parabolic Charge
- Eerie Impulse
- Grass Knot

  • Recycle (Infinite use Berrys and heals)
  • Parabolic Charge (Heal and damage)
  • Eerie Impulse (Decrease opponent's Special Attack)
  • Grass Knot (Ground coverage)

With Cheek Pouch, every hit just heals you and makes you tanky, then just Recycle and repeat. Parabolic Charge to deal some damage and heal your health. Eerie Impulse to deal with dangerous special attackers, and Grass Knot to cover Ground-types (It's the only Water or Grass type move Dedenne can learn).

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0 votes

Sorry, I rushed this :/

Dedenne @ Kee Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Charge
- Nuzzle
- Super Fang
- Recycle

Dedenne's cheek pouch is awesome. Healing off a status condition is useful, especially if you're fast and can just annoy people with Nuzzle and Super Fang. Charge and Recycle are your 'set-up' moves, so you can bulk up any damage you take. Also, physical attackers are not going to fare too well, along with being able to increase Nuzzle's power.

Hope it helps. :)

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0 votes

Dedenne. Another Pikachu who is simply never going to be as iconic as the real thing. Anyway, here we go.

Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Recycle
- Parabolic Charge
- Volt Switch
- Grass Knot

  • Recycle- Dedenne depends on having that berry being recycled.
  • Parabolic Charge- STAB, heals half the damage that you inflicted.
  • Volt Switch- STAB, allows you to flee from a sticky situation.
  • Grass Knot- Coverage, plus Play Rough just isn’t a good move for Dedenne.

There you go. Dedenne isn’t the best Pokémon out there, the only damaging fairy type move it knows is physical, but it’s ok.

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Gen 6:
Role: Special Sweeper

Dedenne @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Cheek Pouch
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Grass Knot
- Parabolic Charge
- Thunderbolt / Discharge

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