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6 Answers

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In the anime, Jynx are shown to be one of Santa's helping Pokemon, serving as the elves. Both Ponyta and Stantler have been shown to pull his sleigh, with Delibird and Lapras also serving him. In terms of trees, really the four potential Pokemon are Abomasnow, Trevenant, Exeggcutor and Sudowoodo. Truly speaking, any ice type Pokemon can also have a festive feel. In terms of toys, the only one I could think off is Shuppet, but being a possessed doll and all it still isn't really fitting, but I hope this helps

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4 votes

Snover is like a Christmas Tree
Delibird is like Santa Clause
Sawsbuck is like a reindeer
Cryogonal is a Snowflake
Snorunt is like an Elf
Staryu/Starmie are like a Tree Topper
Burmy are like ornaments
Voltorbs/ Electrodes also are like Ornaments
Stantler is also like a reindeer
Bronzong is like Christmas bells
Mime Jr can also be an elf
that's all I got.

2 votes

In my opinion Delibird is one, because of its move 'Present'. Abomasnow reminds me of a snowman. Sawsbuck can be a reindeer.

Hope I gave you an idea. :)

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delibird I would say is the most Christmas related, maybe some gen 5 ice types

0 votes

I can only think of Delibird right now. In a 'let's find Pokemon' book, there is a cute mini story called something like 'delibird as a santa' where he helps deliver presents but almost keeps them all for himself. Then the other Pokemon catch him.

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Cryogonal 'cause it looks like a snow and it snow around Christmas.
