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All in the question really.
Answer with move-set suggestions please, for the benefit of others!

I like the fact that I made an arguement happen, and I wasn't in it! :P

1 Answer

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Avalugg. Cloyster has better things to do like use Shell Smash. Cloyster also doesn't pack Recover or Sturdy like Avalugg does, so it's better off being offensive Shell Smash rather than a defensive Pokemon.

Avalugg @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Atk
Nature: Impish
- Recover
- Avalanche
- Gyro Ball/ Stone Edge/ Rapid Spin
- Earthquake

Having said Avalugg, it has a very poor typing to wall. There are better options like Landorus-T, Slowbro, Tangrowth et. al.

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Someone may really want an ice type. any question as like this by me will have at least one type in common.
To be honest, the only reason to use an ice type is either for a) ice resistance or b) ice STAB. If you wanted Ice resistance, go for a bulky water type like Vaporeon or something with Thick Fat like Snorlax. If you want ice STAB, go for Mamoswine, which also has Thick Fat.
not only does Avalugg have poor typing for a wall, but have you seen that Special Defence stat??? I realise there is a difference between physical and Special walls, but you would still want a wall to at least take a hit from the category it is less resistant to, but still. Then again, that is the reason I never use Blissey either, and it seems common enough.
@ MeloettaMelody  There is nothing wrong with having a wall that is specifically Defensive and another one that is specifically Specially Defensive. In fact, it may actually help team synergy to have both on the same team, as it provides different types, and if one faints, you still have a wall left.
Avalugg has Sturdy to protect it from Special Attacks. If you don't like Blissey, run Eviolite Chansey.
Walls like Avalugg and Blissey are totally fine, but they will be OHKO'd by Pokemon that you have no idea what set are running. It's really obvious with stuff like Haxorus that Avalugg can take at least a hit or two, but with Salamence you never know if it's packing Fire Blast.
Physically or specially defensive walls just have the problem with mixed sweepers and sweepers capable of running either set.
@Poke'slash - I realise that they are still perfectly usable and function really well against the right opponent (the number of times Blissey has really annoyed me when I have faced it ...) I'm just saying I prefer my wall to be able to take some hits on both ends of the spectrum. It's why I prefer to use something like Umbreon as a Special wall over Blissey. But it is personal preference and that is all.
Actually, while we're on the subject of walls, can we talk about Mega Aggron? HUGE Defensive stat, but terrible HP and Special Defense. One Focus Blast and it's out, but it can take Physical Attacks all day. Hmm.
Actually Aggron can survive a Focus Blast :P
252 SpA Gengar Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Filter Mega Aggron: 235-277 (68.3 - 80.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
to honest: i prefer aggron>mega aggron in some cases. i mean, have no one realised how amazing he would be in sandstorm with 70/180/120,  he will lose filter, but rock head is ok giving you a strong stone edge in head smash form. terrible typing though...
@ Kijani the only reason he can survive that Focus Blast is because of Filter.
Ik that Slash. But he can still survive it,
"terrible HP and Special Defense. One Focus Blast and it's out, but it can take Physical Attacks all day. Hmm.
commented 1 hour ago by Poke'slash"
Just proving that he can even take a Focus Blast.
Fine. :P
Aggron would be one of my favorite non-legendary pokemon if it weren't for its MASSIVE WEAKNESS TO FIGHTING!!!
cloyster has a 50% chance of setting up, if it does, it is hard to stop. avalugg however, will deal out a few strong hits, but 2 special hits=KO
You forgot to use the best move on avalaugg, body press, because of the massive defense body press deals a lot of damage.
I use Avalugg with Iron defense, body press, heavy slam and earthquake (no stab lol) and its great
Body Press does not exist in X/Y, and did not exist in 2014 when this was posted.