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If you have a good competitive moveset for Hisuian Avalugg, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Hisuian Avalugg Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Hisuian Avalugg sprite

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2 Answers

2 votes

H-Avalugg is a very underwhelming Pokemon. I expect to see it in PU or NU very soon, so let me analyze it for you guys in the view of NU.

While boasting an incredible defense and also pretty awesome movepool, I say you don't use H-Avalugg just for the defensive greed of 180+ def. However, there is one thing that sets H-Avalugg apart from normal Avalugg.

Access to stealth rocks.

PU/NU defensive hazard control:
Avalugg-Hisui @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Ghost / Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Recover
- Body Press

Able to get both rapid spin and stealth rock is absolutely detrimental to the nu and pu community, because its literally the first and last time they ever get a good rapid spinner.
Your choices for items are leftovers and HDB.
Lefties is for passive recovery that avalugg would benefit off, but due to it being weak to rock, I would rather use HDB so that stealth rocks doesn't take off 1/4 of your HP each time you swap in.
Since this is a defensive set, I chose to use a defensive ability as well. Ice body or Strong Jaw wouldn't work for this set.
EVs are self explanatory, min max. Nature is also self explanatory.
If you're running tera ghost, you're being more passive, as ghost is one of the best defensive types and can nullify some of its weaknesses. Fighting on the other hand is if you choose to deal a bit more damage with body press while also being able to nullify some, but not all weaknesses.

Rapid spin is for hazard control, the role of this Avalugg and the most important move on it.
Stealth rocks is for hazards, also the role of the Avalugg.
Recover is if you actually survive the onslaught of special attacks and be able to live another turn. Recovery is recovery as well, wouldn't hurt for you to have it.
Body press is the avalugg's source of damage output, ludicrously strong with the 180+ base def.

Ironpress abuser (PU/NU):
Avalugg-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Iron Defense
- Avalanche
- Recover
- Body Press

This set tries to utilize H-Avalugg's huge defensive and to abuse iron defense to make body press deal way too much damage.
The reason why I chose to use 252+ SPD instead of 252 DEF is because its only meant to be swapped into physical mons, and Iron Defense can boost defense. I don't want excessive damage greed for body press, due to it being a setup mon and that a special mon can completely ruin your day.
The moveset, tera type, and item are all self explanatory (look at above)

Banded 'Lugg:
Avalugg-Hisui @ Choice Band
Ability: Strong Jaw / Sturdy
Tera Type: Dark / Ground / Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Mountain Gale
- Stone Edge
- Crunch / Body Press
- Earthquake

Self explanatory banded Avalugg set.
Ability depends on whether you choose crunch or body press. Strong jaw for crunch, sturdy for body press.
Tera types:
Dark is for crunch stab, Ground is for eq stab (I luv eq harhar), Ghost is for defensive utility.
Mountain gale for ice stab, same with stone edge for rock stab, crunch, body press, and eq are all coverage. The EdgeQuake coverage also hits hard.

In conclusion, don't use h-avalugg unless you're really desperate for a rapid spinner or when our big boy garganacl gets banned.

You should have each moveset as a separate answer.
1 vote

Gen 9 NU Rapid Spin

Avalugg-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Strong Jaw
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 160 Atk / 248 SpD / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Mountain Gale / Ice Fang
- Crunch
- Rapid Spin
- Recover

Well, Hisuian Avalugg is NU, so here is a set for it. While its Kalos form is better in every way, Hisuian Avalugg does have a niche of having the most offensive presence of the Rapid Spinners in NU. Mountain Gale is used for the Ice STAB since it doesn't make physical contact, which allows Hisuian Avalugg to avoid the Rocky Helmet Chip from Sandaconda. Ice Fang can be used for an Ice STAB boosted by Strong Jaw if you want a more accurate Ice STAB if you don't mind taking the Rocky Helmet Chip. Crunch is a nice coverage move on this set since it gets boosted by Strong Jaw, allowing Hisuian Avalugg to snack on the souls of Ghost-types such as Rotom and Froslass who try to spinblock. Plus, there aren't any Pokemon in NU who can resist both Ice and Dark moves. Rapid Spin allows Hisuian Avalugg clear away hazards on its side of the field and gives it a speed boost, which can potentially put Mountain Gale's flinch chance to use against the slower Pokemon in NU. Recover is used to let Hisuian Avalugg regain some HP to help it stay in longer. Heavy-Duty Boots is used to prevent Hisuian Avalugg from being chipped from entry hazards.

Ok, so this EV spread is a weird one, so I'll explain it. This set doesn't use Max HP and Defense EVs. Because Hisuian Avalugg already has a high base defense and physical moves either OHKO, 2HKO, or not 2HKO it, there wasn't really a point in investing in HP and Defense, allowing Hisuian Avalugg to use EVs in its Special Defense stat. With 248 Special Defense EVs, Hisuian Avalugg is no longer easily OHKOed or 2HKOed by every single Special Attack in the tier. 100 Speed EVs allow Hisuian Avalugg to outspeed Pokemon such as Eelektross, Muk, and Lurantis (that aren't using 48 Speed EVs)**. The Speed EVs can also let Hisuian Avalugg outspeed Sandaconda after a Rapid Spin boost. The rest of the EVs are used in Attack along with Adamant Nature to hit a jump point.

Tera Poison is used for the Tera Type as it gives Hisuian Avalugg a much better defensive typing. Tera Poison is useful to prevent Hisuian Avalugg from being sent to the shadow realm from a Close Combat from Hisuian Sneasel or Toxicroak, as Tera Poison lets it tank a Fighting move and OHKO the Poison/Fighting type due to the -1 Defense drop from Close Combat. Tera Poison lets Hisuian Avalugg absorb Toxic Spikes, which can be useful. Tera Dark can be used instead, but it really doesn't do much outside of giving Hisuian Avalugg an advantage against Sableye and being an emergency Psychic immunity against a boosted Psychic-type.

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