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0 votes

Exactly what the title says, I'm trying to mack a Doubles team I'm too lazy to look through ALL of the many abilities and moves.. just too much time. But then again it takes time from others to research, but still. I need a list of all moves and abilities that benefit you in doubles.

Thanks in advance! :D

plus, anyone in the future who wants to know this can look at this without wasting all their time.

3 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Five Abilities are also adapted especially for Double Battles. These
Abilities are:

Plus - If a Pokémon with Plus is in battle on the same side of the
field as a Pokémon with Minus, its Special Attack will be boosted by
50%. In Generation V and beyond, the effect is also present if another
Pokémon on the same side has Plus.

Minus - If a Pokémon with Minus is in battle on the same side of the
field as a Pokémon with Plus, its Special Attack will be boosted by
50%. In Generation V and beyond, the effect is also present if another
Pokémon on the same side has Minus.

Lightningrod - If a single-target Electric-type move is used, it will
be forced to strike the Pokémon with this Ability, regardless of the
Pokémon originally selected as the target and regardless of the move's
accuracy. Moves which target multiple Pokémon cannot be redirected. In
Generation V and beyond, the move will raise the Special Attack of the
Pokémon and deal no damage to it, unless the Pokémon is immune to the
attack by nature of being a Ground-type.

Storm Drain - If a single-target Water-type move is used, it will be
forced to strike the Pokémon with this Ability, regardless of the
Pokémon originally selected as the target and regardless of the move's
accuracy. Moves which target multiple Pokémon cannot be redirected. In
Generation V and beyond, the move will raise the Special Attack of the
Pokémon and deal no damage to it.

Telepathy - A Pokémon with this Ability will avoid damage from any
moves used by its allies, whether they directly target it or target it
as well as opponents.

That all came from here. However, this is only 5th generation, 6th gen introduced 3 more doubles-specific abilities, and 1 that works with allies:

Flower Veil: Prevents lowering of ally Grass-type Pokemons stats

Symbiosis: This Pokemon passes its item to an ally after their item is

Healer: 30% chance of curing an adjacent ally's status at the end of
each turn.

Aroma Veil: Protects allies from attacks that limit their move

That all came from Pokemon Showdowns teambuilder.

And now for moves...

Several different moves are made specifically for Double Battles, such
as Helping Hand. Some others, such as Surf, can have noticeably
different effects. Moves that hit multiple Pokémon have their damage
reduced by 25%, unless all other Pokémon have fainted at that point.

The moves After You, Quash, Helping Hand, Ally Switch, Follow Me, Rage
Powder, and Aromatic Mist will have no effect if not used in a Double
or Triple Battle.

The move Flame Burst takes away 1/16th of the maximum HP of the other
Pokémon on the same team as the target Pokémon. This damage is not
treated as an attack.

The move Acupressure, while in a Double Battle, can target the ally
instead of the user.

That came from here, which also provides a comprehensive chart to show which moves will hit what in doubles.

edited by
Thank you, your help is much appreciated. :D
well that bulbapedia page includes the moves too
usak n00b D:
U mean n00b D:
3 votes

Update for Gen 8!


Friend Guard (Reduces damage that allies take by 25%)
Battery (Raises the base power of allies' special moves by 30%)
Receiver/Power of Alchemy (When an ally faints, Receiver/Power of Alchemy is replaced by the fainted allies' ability)

These abilities effect the user as well.
Flower Gift ("The physical Attack and Special Defense of Pokémon with this Ability and their ally are increased by 50% during harsh sunlight.")
Victory Star (The accuracy of the user's and their allies' moves is increased by 10%)
Sweet Veil (User and it's allies cannot fall asleep)


Hold Hands (Does absolutely nothing)
Flower Shield (Raises the Defense stat of all Grass-type Pokemon on the field by one stage)
Rototiller (Raises the Attack and Special attack of Grass-type Pokemon by one stage each)

These moves effect the user as well.
Mat Block (Protects user and allies from damaging moves for one turn. Does not stop status moves)
Wide Guard (Protects all Pokemon on the user's side of the field from attacks that hit more than one Pokemon)
Quick Guard (Protects user and allies from moves with increased priority for one turn)
Magnetic Flux (Raises the Defense and Special Defense stats of the user and allies by one stage each)


1 vote

Five Abilities are also adapted especially for Double Battles. These Abilities are:
Plus - If a Pokémon with Plus is in battle on the same side of the field as a Pokémon with Minus, its Special Attack will be boosted by 50%. In Generation V and beyond, the effect is also present if another Pokémon on the same side has Plus.
Minus - If a Pokémon with Minus is in battle on the same side of the field as a Pokémon with Plus, its Special Attack will be boosted by 50%. In Generation V and beyond, the effect is also present if another Pokémon on the same side has Minus.
Lightningrod - If a single-target Electric-type move is used, it will be forced to strike the Pokémon with this Ability, regardless of the Pokémon originally selected as the target and regardless of the move's accuracy. Moves which target multiple Pokémon cannot be redirected. In Generation V and beyond, the move will raise the Special Attack of the Pokémon and deal no damage to it, unless the Pokémon is immune to the attack by nature of being a Ground-type.
Storm Drain - If a single-target Water-type move is used, it will be forced to strike the Pokémon with this Ability, regardless of the Pokémon originally selected as the target and regardless of the move's accuracy. Moves which target multiple Pokémon cannot be redirected. In Generation V and beyond, the move will raise the Special Attack of the Pokémon and deal no damage to it.
Telepathy - A Pokémon with this Ability will avoid damage from any moves used by its allies, whether they directly target it or target it as well as opponents.


also moves :l
well that was fast!