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Like giving a Ghost-type the Ring target, enabling Normal and Fighting moves to hit it, would it work the same for Ground vs. Electric, Dragon vs. Fairy, or Poison vs. Steel?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes it would.

Source: Experience

This item, when attached to a Pokémon, allows the Pokémon to receive damage from the opponent regardless of any type immunities.

Source: http://www.serebii.net/itemdex/ringtarget.shtml

The holder loses its type immunities.

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/In-battle_effect_item

If a Fairy type is given a Ring Target the effectiveness of Dragon is 1x.
If a Steel type is given a Ring Target the effectiveness of Poison is 1x.
If a Ground type is given a Ring Target the effectiveness of Electric is 1x.
If a Ghost type is given a Ring Target the effectiveness of Fighting and Normal is 1x.
If a Dark type is given a Ring Target the effectiveness of Psychic is 1x.

Note: The effectiveness above is for Pokémon that are pure of that type, such as Florges is a pure Fairy type so the effectiveness of Dragon would be 1x if it was holding a Ring Target.

Hope I helped :)

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