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I'm curious about the procedure for preparing a Pokemon for online battling, such as breeding, EVs, IVs and the likes.


1 Answer

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For example if you need to train a Malamar-

IV breeding-


The most important thing to look for when IV breeding is the correct Nature, and Pokemon you use in-game generally don't have the correct nature. To catch a proper natured Inkay you will need-

1)Quick Balls
2) An Abra/Ralts with Synchronize(Adamant Nature).

First go to route 8 and keep the Abra/Ralts fainted in the front of your party. Now all Pokemon that appear have a 50% chance of having Adamant Nature. Catch a few Inkays with the Quick Balls and go to your PC, withdraw any one which has an Adamant Nature and give it an Everstone and deposit it in the Day Care.


Try and get a 6IV Japanese Ditto. It will take a bit of time(try offering shinies or rare Pokemon), but you will eventually get it.

Now give that Ditto a Destiny Knot and Deposit it in the Day Care.


Now, when the man at the Day Care turns around, talk to him to receive an Egg. Get 5 eggs and then go to Kiloude City. Keep cycling until you hatch all of the eggs and then go to the IV Judge in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center. He will tell you what IVs your Pokemon is perfect in. Keep hatching eggs until you get one the has the IVs - 31/31/31/x/31/31(the Special Defense IVs are optional to get, but they will help in battle). Also, make sure that it has Contrary. If it doesn't, then use an Ability Capsule on it. They are available at the Battle Maison for 200BP.

EV training-

Use Super Training and Core Training to EV train your newly bred Inkay. Give it 252 Attack EVs. You don't have to worry as the limit is 252. But the HP and Defense EVs are both 128, so use a pen and paper to keep track of how many EVs you have given it.


You get a high level Pokemon with a multi-target move (Surf, Earthquake etc.) and you use it to take out hordes of Pokemon that give out the EV you want, i.e Wingull for Speed EVs, Foongus for HP EVs, etc.
That way if each of the Pokemon gives out 1EV, you will get 5EVs out of just one horde (if it's 2 EVs per Pokemon, you'll get 10 per horde) which is very effective.


And with the right Power item and Pokerus, you can get up to 50 EVs in one Horde!

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A better way to EV train would be the horde method. It is much faster and easier than popping balloons.
that is also an option, but would require the macho brace/power items.
How does the horde method work? Also thanks, that's incredibly helpful
You get a high level Pokemon with a multi-target move (Surf, Earthquake etc.) and you use it to take out hordes of Pokemon that give out the EV you want, i.e Wingull for Speed EVs, Foongus for HP EVs, etc.
That way if each of the Pokemon gives out 1EV, you will get 5EVs out of just one horde (if it's 2 EVs per Pokemon, you'll get 10 per horde) which is very effective.
And with the right Power item and Pokerus, you can get up to 50 EVs in one Horde!