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Some I'm confused about, and it seems Team Rocket is built around capturing a Pikachu that is ish at times. Just give me a summation for each group to clarify things for me. Thanks in advance! :)


2 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

enter image description here Team Rocket - "While its main focus is stealing or capturing rare and strong Pokémon, and subsequently selling them, it also funds and conducts cruel experimental research on Pokémon." They basically steal strong and rare Pokemon to sell them. (they also moonlight as scientists)

enter image description here Team Magma - Expanding the earth for...reasons? real estate maybe?

enter image description here Team Aqua - Expanding the Oceans for...reasons? they like fish maybe?

enter image description here Team Galactic - "Their goal is not limited to the Pokémon world, but is the recreation of the entire Pokémon universe." they want to recreate the universe.

enter image description here Team Plasma (BW) - "Team Plasma's ultimate goal is to "liberate" all Pokémon from their trainers, by either convincing the trainer to release their Pokémon, or by theft." they think Pokemon are unhappy with their trainers and want to liberate them.

enter image description here Team Plasama (BW2) - 2 years after the events of BW, this time they just want to take over the Unova region...

enter image description here Team Flare - "Their goal is to create a "beautiful and better" world while making money, eliminating everyone who do not follow their standards." They want to make the world beautiful and make money while doing so.

Team Skull - Team Skull is composed of misfits who failed the island challenge. They run around the Alola region causing havoc, stealing Pokemon and bus stop signs (?). Unlike other teams from previous regions, they don't have a specific goal. "Some men just want to watch the world burn".

Sources - Bulbapedia and playing every Pokemon game.

edited by
Actally, Ghetsis wants to be the 'king of the world' by being the only guy with Pokemon. (I think)
Thanks to the both of you :)
maybe add the aether foundation since they can be considered su/mo's antagonists, as team skull doesn't really do anything but cause minor annoyance
Im on it. (fill)
I havent played Sun or Moon yet so correct me if im wrong but after a bit of reading it seems like The Aether foundation isnt really antagonistic? All they do it help and cure hurt pokemon...
3 votes

Team Rocket

While its main focus is stealing or capturing rare and strong Pokémon, and subsequently selling them, it also funds and conducts cruel experimental research on Pokémon. Their oath, as posted on the wall of one of their many bases, is "Steal Pokémon for profit. Exploit Pokémon for profit. All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket." Their ultimate goal is to take over the world using Pokémon.

Team Galactic

Cyrus' goal for Team Galactic is to rebuild the Galaxy in his image, using some of Sinnoh's Legendary Pokémon, which are said to have created the entire world. This is not apparent to the main body of the organization however, as many of the Grunts believe Team Galactic's sole purpose is in capturing Pokémon. Saturn - a commander of the organization - admits that he had no idea what his boss is planning.

Team Aqua

Team Aqua's ultimate goal is to expand the amount of water in the world by awakening Kyogre.

Team Magma

Team Magma's ultimate goal is to expand the amount of landmass in the world by awakening Groudon.

Team Plasma

Their objective is to separate humanity from Pokémon.

Team Flare

At first, Team Flare's goal is claimed to be making the world "beautiful" with style and lots of money. Despite of their goal, several grunts and even their leader Lysandre confirm that they seek a world on the benefit of only those within Team Flare, disregarding anybody else.

Sorry, Team Galactic is in the placed wrong, but hope I helped!

