PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In every Pokemon game the max moves you can get is 4, but Ash's Pokemon and other trainer's Pokemon have more than 4 moves, WHY?

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I'd have to guess that the simple answer is because the game came first, and has always been wildly successful and popular using 4 moves. Not to mention that it's probably significantly easier than trying to program more (I'd personally like 6) to fit into the 4 boxes you get for moves and whatever incredibly high number of possible combinations that brings. Plus, 4 takes up less space on screen, which I'd have to imagine is optimal in more ways than one, namely having more attention drawn to the Pokemon themselves.

4 Answers

8 votes
Best answer

Because it's a cartoon. They aren't bound by the rules of the games. Do you really think a pokemon as intelligent as Alakazam is only capable of learning four moves? They only keep four in the games for programming reasons, and because having a ton of moves would eliminate strategy in the game, since everything could cover anything. The four moves forces you to pick your moves wisely.

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2 votes

The deal is they DON'T get more in the anime. They may appear to because they have 4 known moves, but then they learn a new one. I know- I get confused sometimes too, but they only have 4 known moves.

Hope this helped.

1 vote

Who knows? Game freak just made it challenging for us. If we could know as much as moves as we want then we could defeat anyone. Lets say Mew comes out. He could use ALL the moves. Unfair right?

0 votes

They do know more than four moves. Once I watched an episode where Team Rocket used a Charizard and made it use dig, iron tail,flamethrower and a whole bunch of other moves that Charizard normally would not know.

Wait, shouldn't this be a comment? I'm just guessing that this (even though it was back in 2012) is a response to the question right above it, but if I'm wrong then never mind, either way, this is really just a comment, not an answer....