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3 votes

Ive tried everything!!
I fished at the Mt. for like 2 hours and all I got was a magikarp!!

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2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Feebas can be found on B1F of Mt. Coronet, which is the room with the large underground lake. However, you can only find Feebas in four random water tiles within said lake, and only by fishing. If you get the correct tile, Feebas will have a 50% chance of appearing. It doesn't matter which rod you use.

It's as bad as it sounds: you need to fish in every water tile until you eventually find Feebas. There are 528 fishable tiles, which means there is a 0.76% chance of any given tile having Feebas. Also, be wary that the Feebas tiles roll over every day, so you should do your entire hunt on the same day. (Also, if you do find a Feebas tile, catch a bunch of them so you don't have to do it again!)

There is one small technique that could help you get Feebas faster, which is mixing records. If you mix records, everybody's Feebas tiles will change to that of Player 1. So you can mix records with friends, then designate sections of the lake to search, and eventually find a "common" Feebas tile much faster than you would've separately.

It's most efficient to trigger an encounter on each tile once, and move on if it doesn't give you Feebas.


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6 votes

it's actually quite simple, but very challenging!!

first go to the mt. where you can catch a feebas use surf, now in this pond you can only catch feebas in 4 random square, now begin at the bottom use your rod fish there for about 4-5 times if you still can't catch a feebas go to the next square and fish there, do this for every square,it's kinda creating a imaginary grid lines
this is how i got my feebas and it's now a milotic
(sorry if you don't understand it, it's kinda hard to explain)

Ive been trying what you said and I get what your saying, but it's just such a bid lake. I've seen a lot of people on youtube getting one the first try. I still haven't been able to catch one is there an easier way?? Please, someone help me.
well i know what you mean it's a big lake and it's quite hard just keep on doing this and in time you'll get a feebas. . . .but remember the square where feebas is,changes everyday. . .
What mountain?
mt. coronet i think