PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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No Legendaries and no interactable Pokemon.
Pokemon In any game.

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4 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

The rarest Pokémon in the games at the moment would have to be:

Shiny Munchlax in Gen 4. Only available through Honey Trees in the wild, it has a 1% spawn rate at only 4 of them in the whole Sinnoh region. Since Honey Trees only spawn Pokémon every 6 hours. Thanks to HT’s calculations, it has been discovered that if you encounter a Munchlax every time and on your 8192 Munchlax you get a shiny (shiny chances are 1/8192 in Gen 4), 49152 hours would have passed. Even though this isn’t the shiny chance, that is still a very long time to be shiny hunting.

Shiny Feebas in Gen 4. In Gen 3, Feebas was already very hard to catch, but Gen 4 made it harder. Feebas only appears at 1 location in the entire game, Mt. Coronet, on 4 tiles instead of Gen 3’s 6. Also, unlike Gen 3, the tiles change everyday as opposed to manually. Plus, it has only a 1/8192 chance of being shiny, again.

Shiny Female Combee. Combee only has a 12.5% chance to be female, and in Gen 4, it has a shiny chance of 1/8192, and it was available via honey trees only. This means, again, you will have a chance to get a Combee spawn every 6 hours. Luckily though, it has a good chance of spawning at Honey Trees, so it’s easier to find a Combee than a Munchlax, but finding a female shiny is tough.

But, the rarest Pokémon is:

Shiny level 100 Magikarp, Platinum, Resort Area. It has only a 1/10000 chance of showing up, +the 1/8192 chance of it being shiny, meaning that the odds of encountering one is 1/8,192,000 chance. It’s the rarest Pokémon in the games, and then add 6 IVs and it’ll be even more rare.

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It might be worth noting that Pressure, Hustle, and Vital Spirit draw out higher leveled Pokémon while fishing, so Magikarp from level 1-9, who cannot be affected by these abilities, are arguably more rare.
6 votes

Black 2

This Bouffalant:

  • Has Soundproof (HA, from Hidden Grottos)
  • Female (30% chance of being so)
  • Shiny
  • 6 IVs
  • Adamant Nature
  • Maximum level (level 40)
  • Has Pokerus

This is definitely one of the most rare Pokemon in any game at all,and this is yet to be compounded with the fact that Bouffalant has a 1% chance of showing up at all in a Hidden Grotto.

Hope I helped!

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Dat Buffalent
A hidden grotto pokemon cannot be shiny
2 votes

I don't believe there's such thing as the rarest Pokemon, but that Spiky Eared Pichu from HeartGold/SoulSilver is the rarest Pokemon I can think of.
It was an event Pokemon and it also cannot be found outside of HeartGold/Soulsilver because it cannot be traded.

enter image description here

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But many people can or could've obtained it through event, and I think he meant pokemon that are found in the wild?
0 votes

I believe the rarest Pokemon is a 6 IV,shiny and perfect nature spiky eared Pikachu.

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