PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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4 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

For the record, most legendaries have a BST of 680, 600 or 580.
Base 680 is generally what most of the main mascot legendaries have, including Ho-oh, Lugia, Yveltal etc.
The ones below are the ones under 650, and I've grouped them into their own categories, like the Legendary Birds, Lati Twins etc. since it's easier to read, and more easily identifiable that way.

Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres (Base 580)
- Mew (Base 600)
- Entei, Suicune, Raikou (Base 580)
- Celebi (Base 600)
- Regirock, Regice, Registeel (Base 580)
- Latios, Latias (Base 600)
- Jirachi (Base 600)
- Deoxys-D, A, S and N (Base 600)
- Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie (Base 580)
- Cresselia (Base 600)
- Darkrai (Base 600)
- Manaphy (Base 600)
- Phione (Debateable - base 480)
- Heatran (Base 600)
- Shaymin, Shaymin-S (Base 600)
- Victini (Base 600)
- Terrakion, Cobalion, Keldeo (Keldeo-Resolute as well), Virizion (Base 600)
- Thundurus, Tornadus, Thundurus-T, Tornadus-T (Base 580)
- Landorus, Landorus-T (Base 600)
- Meloetta (Both Aria and Pirouette forms) (Base 600)
- Genesect (Regardless of Drive or no Drive) (Base 600)
- Zygarde (Base 600)
- Diancie (Base 600)

Source: Bulbapedia and /dt on Pokemon Showdown.

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2 votes

After the release of Gen 7 it's

  • All the Ultra Beasts with a BST of 570 (They might not count as Legendaries, I post them in case someone needs them.)
  • All the Tapus with a BST of 570
  • Cosmog with a BST of 200
  • Cosmoem with a BST of 400
  • Zygarde-10% with a BST of 486
  • Type: Null with a BST of 534
  • Sivally with a BST of 570
  • Necrozma with a BST of 600
  • Magearna with a BST of 600

These are the Pokemon I add on to the answers above.

I don't think Silvally is a legend.
I'm not really sure though. Cosmog and Cosmoem can also evolve. I don't really think that matters.
It is pretty ironic that the best Ultra Beast is the weakest one.
KipKip wdym Silvally is legendary
1 vote

These are all the legendary Pokemon with a BST lower than 650. As of Gen VI:

  • Zapdos, 580
  • Moltres, 580
  • Articuno, 580
  • Mew, 600
  • Entei, 580
  • Raikou, 580
  • Suicune, 580
  • Celebi, 600
  • Regice, 580
  • Registeel, 580
  • Regirock, 580
  • Latias, 600 (normal)
  • Latios, 600 (normal)
  • Jirachi, 600
  • Deoxys, 600 (all forms)
  • Uxie, 580
  • Mesprit, 580
  • Azelf, 580
  • Heatran, 600
  • Cresselia, 600
  • Phione, 480 (if you count it)
  • Manaphy, 600
  • Darkrai, 600
  • Shaymin (both forms)
  • Victini, 600
  • Cobalion, 580
  • Terrakion, 580
  • Virizion, 580
  • Tornadus, 580 (both forms)
  • Thundurus, 580 (both forms)
  • Landorus, 600 (both forms)
  • Keldeo, 580
  • Meloetta, 600 (both forms)
  • Genesect, 600 (both forms)
  • Zygarde, 600
  • Diancie, 600

Many of these Pokemon are the 'minor legendaries' of the games. For example, Pokemon like Zekrom and Reshiram are the mascot legendaries of Black and White, and they had a BST higher than 650.

Hope I helped. :)
Source: Serebii's Pokedex pages

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GJ Indi
Also damn, how many tabs did you open looking through Serebii ;II
A lot... :c
0 votes

New Pokémon in Gen. 8
Kubfu- 385
Urshifu- 550
Note: I will edit this if new Legendary Pokémon come out in Crowned Tundra Expansion Pass.
