PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes
Cancelled games?
Hacks count too ?
yah hacks one count too

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Pokemon Games

Pokemon Red
Pokemon Blue
Pokemon Green
Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Pinball
Pokemon Trading card Game
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Puzzle league
Pokemon Puzzle challenge
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Ruby
Pokemon Sapphire
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Box
Pokemon Dash
Pokemon Fire Red
Pokemon LeafGreen
Pokemon colosseum
Pokemon XD:Gale of Darkness
Pokemon Pinball Ruby/Sapphire
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Channel
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue
My Pokemon Ranch
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Pokemon Platinum
PokePark:Pikachu's Adventure
Pokemon SoulSilver
Pokemon HeartGold
Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs
Pokemon Rumble
Pokemon Battle Revolution
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Explorers of Sky
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Explorers of Time and Darkness
Pokemon Ranger:Shadows of Almia
Pokemon Black and White
Pokemon Black and White 2
Pokemon Pokedex Pro
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Gates to Infinity
Pokemon Y
Pokemon X
Pokemon Rumble Blast
Hey you Pikachu
Rumble U
Pokepark 2:Wonders Beyond

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Pokken Tournament
Pokemon Detective Game

Super Smash Bros
Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Pokemon Conquest
Super Smash Bros 4

So you wanted Hacks,fine.

Hacks some,not all
Pokemon Naranja
Pokemon Ash Gray
Pokemon Adventure
Pokemon Brown
Pokemon Diamond(it's a Hack)
Pokemon Jade
Pokemon Prism
Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal
Pokemon Amber
Pokemon Chaos Black
Pokemon Flora Sky
Pokemon Quarts
Pokemon Marble
Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White
Pokemon Blaze Black and Volt White 2
There's More...
Pokemon TRE(Team Rocket Edition)
MisssignNO challenge
Pokemon Epic Gold
Pokemon Dark Future
Pokemon Ultimate End

Hope This Helped!

edited by
pokemon XY
Sorry,my hand got kind of tired...it's Edited
dude put the hacked pokemon games too
No. Do not.
K I might need more Space
There are way too many Pokemon hacks for you to count in one answer, dont even bother.
I'll List Main Ones
Hacks should not count...
I agree with Scraf. It's dumb to even ask for them considering:
1. They're not actually Pokémon games
2. There are way too many to include even a small amount
Some moar hacks:
Pokemon Zeta/Omicron
Pokemon Glazed
Pokemon Flora Sky
Zeta and Omicron arent hacks, they are standalone games.
Why and how?
As opposed to all other ROM hacks, you don't play them on an emulator, they have their own game engine and everything.
Oh. Ok.
5 votes

Legend of Lotad mentioned the official games. Now I will mention the hacks.
Advanced Adventure
Black and Blue (Game made by PETA)
Blaze Black and Volt White
Blaze Black and Volt White 2
Crystal Dust
Dark Energy
Dark Rising
Dark Violet
FireRed Omega
Flora Sky
Light Platinum
Ruby Destiny-Reign of Legends
Ruby Destiny-Rescue Rangers
Scarlet(still in beta)
Shining Opal
Shiny Gold
Victory Fire
These are all the hacks I know and played.
Hope I helped !
