PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So I was trying to capture Terrakion, ran out of balls and resetted. I decided to do it again later and left. Now, I can't find the place where I can capture it anymore.
Can I capture it anymore? Do I just have to wait the 12 hours or something?

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Yeah just wait a while and it should appear :)
Oh god, I thought this was gonna be one of those 'just beat the E4 and it will be there again' questions.
Unless it is one of those 'just beat the E4 and it will be there again' questions.
Just beat the E4 and it might appear again... though you resetted so I don't think that applies. It should still be there.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Since you already had entered Pathless Plain, just take that same party (you need three maxed EV Pokémon) and land on a Tuesday or Sunday, if you saved before encountering Terrakion and then resetted.

Hope I helped!

Pathless Plain Bulbapedia

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I think what you need is at least 3 (I think) Fully Trained Pokes in your party. And by Fully Trained, I mean all EVs maxed out. If that doesn't work, then I guess waiting is the only option. Or, it could be that each appears on differnent days, such as Terrakion appears only on Saturday and Tuesday (guesses, not actually their days).

Source: Experience and Serebii

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They do appear on different days.