While I know it's kinda weird to answer my own questions, I just couldn't resist posting this Numel set! ^
Numel @ Eviolite
Ability: Simple
Modest Nature
196 HP / 236 SpA / 76 Def
-Sleep Talk
-Ancient Power
The crux of this set is the Simple Ancient Power. If you're lucky, you snag a free Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Nasty Plot, Amnesia, and Rock Polish AT THE SAME TIME. That's crazy! At +2, Flamethrower can do a heck of a lot of damage to even Pokemon that 4X resist it. Here's one calculation from Showdown's Damage Calculator:
+2 236+ SpA Numel Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gible: 15-18 (60 - 72%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
And that's assuming they're running full HP investment, which almost no one does. You can sponge the Earthquake or Outrage it throws at you on the first turn with no problem and KO the next turn. Note, however, that this requires that you have set up with Ancient Power.