PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

I got a jirachi named "ebola **" and then traded it for another jirachi named "sleepy". Is there any way to change its name? Or is there anyone willing to trade it for a non shiny no nick name jirachi? The one I have is a shiny jirachi named "sleepy" and it's level 100.

thanks! :)


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Only the original trainer can change a Pokemons nickname. (must have the same trainer ID)

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cant choose which to give best answer so i just voted on both commenents.
2 votes

No, unfortunately. I wish we could rename those Pokémon we receive in trades. It's just not possible.

cant choose which to give best answer so i just voted on both commenents.