Human like egg group:
Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
Machop, Machoke, Machamp
Drowzee, Hypno
Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop
Mr. Mime
Electabuzz, Electivire
Magmar, Magmortar
Makuhita, Hariyama
Meditite, Medicham
Cacnea, Cacturne
Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
Buneary, Lopunny
Croagunk, Toxicroak
Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr
Throh, Sawk
Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle
Elgyem, Beheeyem
Mienfoo, Mienshao
Pawniard, Bisharp
Pancham, Pangoro
Pokemon that look human like and why:
Munchlax,Snorlax (Stands on two legs)
Blaziken (Stands on two legs, is the height of a tall human)
Deoxys (Normal) (Stands on two legs, about as tall as a human)
Lickitung, Lickylicky (Stands on two legs, about as tall as a human)
Tangrowth (Stands on two legs)
Rhyperior (Stands on two legs)
Abomasnow (Stands on two legs)
Sneasel, Weavile (Stands on two legs, is about the height of a child)
Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade (Stands on two legs, wears clothes)
Simis (Stands on two legs)
Audino (Stands on two legs)
Golett, Golurk (Stands on two legs, they're pretty much like androids)
Meloetta (Stands on two legs)
Hope I helped!