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What pokeballs can these starters be in?
Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott

For when I'm breeding. What poke balls can they be in, legally?

Hope I get this question answered soon!


1 Answer

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Best answer

Gen 3 starters:

Treecko: Pokeball, Park Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding, Pal Park

Torchic: Pokeball, Cherish Ball, Park Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding, Events, Pal Park

Mudkip: Pokeball, Park Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding, Pal Park

Gen 4 starters:

Turtwig: Pokeball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding

Chimchar: Pokeball, Cherish Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding, Events

Piplup: Pokeball, Cherish Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding , Events

Gen 5 Starters:

Snivy: Pokeball, Cherish Ball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding, Events

Tepig: Pokeball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding

Oshawott: Pokeball
Reasons: Getting your starter/Breeding

Note: You cannot breed starters into a Cherish Ball because the Cherish Ball is not passed down. To get a Pokemon in a Park Ball, you have to transfer from Gen 4.

(Note: The above Pokemon that have Park Ball listed can only be caught with a Park Ball, it will not keep the Park Ball once you catch it, it will be in it's original Pokeball.)

Hope I helped!
I've listed them above
and knowldge

edited by
I don't think Park ball passes down or even stays when transfers... I have a Suicune form FireRed and it's in the Master ball, which I caught it in on FireRed
I haven't found anything on it...