I am soft resetting for a Shiny Chespin, so I have my grass type, I am fishing for a Magikarp, so that will be my Water type, but I'd like to have a Fire type on my team. I want it fairly early on in the game, and I want it to be useful throughout the whole game. I am not opposed to fire types from other regions (Torchic, Darumaka, Etc.) or even just from X (Houndour). But I'd like to avoid Charizard, since he is far from my favorite fire type or even Pokemon in general.
So far I have narrowed it down to either Cyndaquil or Fletchling. If I could get some logic for choosing between the two, that would be great. My team so far consists of Chesnaught, Gyrados, Sylveon, Ampharos/Raichu (Can't decide), and Golurk (If I don't end up using Fletchling) If you could help me decide down below, that would be a great help. Thanks!