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I am almost done with the regis set. And all I need is regigigas, I know what to do, but not where to go or where I could find a cold/ ice type item for my Regice.

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2 Answers

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You first need to have all of the Regi's in your party, and have Regice with a Nickname. The three useable Cold/Ice items for Regice are the Nevermeltice (Found in Shoal Cave), Snowball (Brought in the Battle Resort), and Casteliacone. (Found on Route 110, and Mauville City)

After you have the Regi's in your party, go to the island where you caught Regice. (Surf north of Dewford Town) Enter the cave, and if you've done it all correctly, an Earthquake should strike and Regigigas should challenge you.


Thank you for trying to help, i kind of figured it out on my own and i was lucky enough to catch regigigas with only one ultra ball
and that when i said that "i was almost done with the set" i thought that yall would catch on that i already had all three regis and that i just needed to know where to find regigigas and where to get the casteliacone
0 votes

You need All the Three Ones. Regice,Regirock,And Registeel (Dont use them for competitive battle xD) Then Nickname your Regice With ANY Name you want. Yes "W" works.Go to some cave with the Three regi's I think you need a Pokemon With Fly too. And get up to that weird wall thingy in Regice's cave. And do Fly/Dig (One of those) And BOOM! it opens up like a boss. Then you walk forward AND BOOM! REGIGIGAS! (Hate that name.) Note:It took me 50 ultra balls to catch him ;-;.Hope I helped! And I was goanna type something else but it slipped my mind. But anyways Hope I helped!

Ah yes! Dont forget the item for Regice! XD
Thanks but i kinda figured it out how to get regigigas, and you and the other guy had told me what i already knew. thanks though.
and that when i said that "i was almost done with the set" i thought that yall would catch on that i already had all three regis and that i just needed to know where to find regigigas and where to get the casteliacone
..... You didn't ask the wuestion -3-
Oh, Nevermind