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Hi I will include Status Moves and Attacks that lower stats (I will also include Burn moves and Paralyze moves since they drop the Attack and Speed stat:


Baby-Doll Eyes
Lowers target's Atk by one stage and has +1 priority

Lowers the target's Atk by two stages

Lowers target's Sp. Atk by one stage

Cotton Spore
Lowers target's Speed by two stages

Eerie Impulse
Lowers the target's Sp. Atk by two stages

Fake Tears
Lowers target's Sp. Def by two stages

Feather Dance
Lowers the target's attack stat by two stages

Lowers the target's accuracy stat by one stage

Raises the target's Sp.Atk stat by two stages and confuses it

Paralyzes target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Lowers target's Atk stat by one stage

Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage

King's Shield
King's Shield protects the user from any moves except status moves for that turn. Additionally, if King's Shield blocks an attack that would make contact with the user, the attacker's Attack stat drops by 2 stages

Lowers target's Def stat by one stage

Memento causes the user to faint and in return lowers the Atk and Sp. Atk stat of the target by two stages each

Metal Sound
Lowers target's Sp. Def by two stages

Noble Roar
Lowers target's Atk and Sp. Atk stats by one stage each

Parting Shot
Lowers the target's Atk and Sp. Atk stats by one stage each, then switches the user out

Play Nice
Lowers target's Atk stat by one stage

Sand Attack
Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage

Scary Face
Lowers the target's Speed stat by two stages

Lower's the target's Def stat by two stages

Lowers accuracy stat of target by one stage

String Shot
Lowers target's Speed stat by two stages

Stun Spore
Paralyzes target thus quartering Speed stat

Sweet Scent
Lowers evasion stat of target by one stage

Tail Whip
Lowers target's Def stat by one stage

Thunder Wave
Paralyzes target, quartering the Speed stat

Venom Drench
Lowers Atk, Sp. Atk and Speed stats of a poisoned Pokemon by one stage each

Burns target, halving Atk stat


Blaze Kick
10% chance to burn target (halving Atk stat)

Body Slam
30% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)

Bolt Strike
20% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)

30% chance to paralyze target (quartering Speed stat)

100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

10% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

20% chance to lower target's Def stat by one stage

Crush Claw
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage

Fire Fang
10% chance to burn target (thus halving attack stat)

Fire Punch
10% chance to burn target (thus halving attack stat)

Iron Tail
30% chance to lower target's Def stat by one stage

Low Sweep
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

100% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Play Rough
10% chance to lower target's Atk stat by one stage

Razor Shell
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage

Rock Smash
50% chance to lower target's Def by one stage

Rock Tomb
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

Sacred Fire
50% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)

30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Thunder Fang
10% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Thunder Punch
10% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Volt Tackle
10% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Acid Spray
100% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by two stages

Blue Flare
20% to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)

Bug Buzz
10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage

30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Dragon Breath
30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Earth Power
10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def stat by one stage

100% chance to lower target's speed by one stage

Energy Ball
10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage

10% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)

Fire Blast
10% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)

10% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)

Flash Cannon
10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage

Focus Blast
10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage

100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

Heat Wave
10% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)

Icy Wind
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

Lava Plume
30% chance to burn the target (thus halving the Atk stat)

Leaf Tornado
50% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage

Luster Purge
50% chance to lower target's Sp. Def stat by one stage

Mist Ball
50% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk stat by one stage

30% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk stat by one stage

Mud Bomb
30% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage

Mud Shot
100% chance to lower target's Speed stat by one stage

Mud Slap
100% chance to lower target's accuracy by one stage

Muddy Water
30% chance to lower target's accuracy stat by one stage

Mystical Fire
100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk stat by one stage

10% chance to lower target's Sp. Def stat by one stage

30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)

Searing Shot
30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)

Shadow Ball
20% chacne to lower target's Sp. Def by one stage

100% chance to lower target's Sp. Atk by one stage

Steam Eruption
30% chance to burn target (thus halving Atk stat)

10% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Thunder Shock
10% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

30% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)

Zap Cannon
100% chance to paralyze target (thus quartering Speed stat)


Source: Bulbapedia

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Paralysis quarters speed stat, not halves
Thanks for the heads up. I have fixed it now
As of Sun and Moon, Paralysis now halves Speed instead of quartering it.
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You can check this page for attacks that lower the opponent's, and your, stats for the six different stats.
