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So I've been wanting to shiny hunt for these guys on my Silver and Gold versions, so I prepared by getting my shiny Gyarados up front (who is still level 30) and buying about 150 super repels on each game, so I can only find the beasts when I go into the grass to search for them and alternating between routes.

I trigger their release into the wild, and I go to search for them... and I never find them. I've used all 150 repels on both games three times (soft resetting) and not a single one of them appear no matter what. Why is this happening? Is there something I'm missing here?


3 Answers

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The problem might be this when you fly to any town the beasts will run away no matter where you fly. It can also be that when you go in the Area they are in make sure you don't go on any buildings cause this will make them move hope this helps!

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The trio tend to move around the same pace you do so when you go to another area the beasts may have moved to a different location. so try to find a pattern

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Suicune cant be found in the wild, you have to advance far into the game to get it. (Kanto). Look up a totorial on youtube for finding it. As for raikou and Entei, run from two commecting routes and check the pokegear map, when using repels, be careful that you have a Pokemon below level 41 and above level 25 so you can find raikuo/entei but not weak Pokemon.

That's only in HGSS and Crystal. You find all three in the wild on Gold and Silver. And I can't use the pokegear to find them in Gold or Silver.