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I know Pokemon with no visible mouths cannot eat Pokepuffs... supposedly. But apparently I can feed Pokepuffs to my Ferrothorn, which, unless I'm just not seeing it, it doesn't have a mouth.

So... which Pokemon cannot eat Pokepuffs? And how do you increase their fullness if they can't eat Pokepuffs? If at all possible.

I'd think you could feed them to all Pokemon, doesn't matter if they have a mouth or not.
One word: Gamefreaklogic.
There are actually a few Pokemon that can eat Pokepuffs even though they don't have mouths, one of these is Poliwhirl.
Poliwhirl probably just absorbs it through his stomach.
That also means that Spritzee has to absorb Pokepuffs through its nose.
Also Spritzee has feet.

2 Answers

12 votes

I tested all of the Pokemon (Excluding Volcanion, as I do not have one.) and I found that the only Pokemon that cannot eat Pokepuffs are Metapod, Kakuna, Pineco, Silcoon, Cascoon, Shedinja, and Spewpa. The reason that they cannot is not because they don't have mouths, but because their cocoons cover their mouth. Shedinja is the only one that isn't in a cocoon, however, Shedinja is just a living shell.


sceptile, I have a volcanion. it can eat pokepuffs

According to Distorted_palkia, Volcanion can eat Pokepuffs

As for Pokebeans, I'd assume that Metapod, Kakuna, Pineco, Silcoon, Cascoon, Shedinja, and Spewpa still cannot eat. Also, according to a recent comment, Cosmoem cannot eat Pokebeans. I may eventually get around to testing which Gen 7 Pokemon can eat Pokebeans, but I currently can't, as I don't have all of the Gen 7 Pokemon.

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Thanks for the info, Palkia!
And yes, Roserade, I tested all of the Pokemon.
your welcome
Every. Single. Pokemon. +1 for bloody persistence
You missed Cosmoem
Cosmoem didn't exist back in Gen 6, which was when I tested all of these.
2 votes

According to Bulbapedia:

Certain Pokemon without visible mouths, such as Metapod and Cascoon, cannot eat PokePuffs

I think the key word is certain. For whatever reason, GameFreak has decided that some Pokemon without mouths should not be able eat PokePuffs, while other Pokemon with mouths should be able to. I'm not surprised; after all, Ghastly can learn the elemental punches.

After digging around on some forums, I found some people who said that they couldn't feed other cocoon Pokemon like Kakuna and Spewpa. So maybe all second-stage Bug type cocoon Pokemon cannot eat PokePuffs. Pokemon that fit into this category are:
Metapod, Kakuna, Silcoon, Cascoon, Swadloon, Spewpa, and possibly Whirlipede (sadly, I don't have a DS to test this theory)
However, Shedninja also doesn't eat PokePuffs, and it really doesn't fit in with the Pokemon above because it doesn't have a three-stage evolution line. So the second-stage Bug type theory most likely isn't correct.

Sep suggested another plausible theory:

It might not be because they don't have mouths, but instead because they are all in shells. All of the Pokemon that cannot eat PokePuffs are Bug type Pokemon in a cocoon, as their mouth is covered by the cocoon.

If anyone wants to test this, please do. I would like to figure this out but I do not have a DS.

Strangely enough, none of the major Pokemon websites like Bulbapedia or Serebii had any lists of Pokemon who couldn't eat PokePuffs. In fact, most of them didn't even address this fact at all, which is why I've been trying to figure out what the pattern is. So I couldn't find a list for you.

To answer your second question... you can't increase their fullness. You can only increase their affection by petting and playing with them.

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Shedjina is just a shell.
Okay. Please elaborate
It might not be because they don't have mouths, but instead because they are all in shells. All of the Pokemon that cannot eat Pokepuffs are bug type Pokemon in a cocoon, as their mouth is covered by the cocoon.
This is plausible, but I don't have a DS to test it :(
Interesting theories for sure. Perhaps it might be of interest to check Shelgon, Shellder, and Forretress as well since they are "shelled" Pokemon.

EDIT: Checking some google searches, Forretress can eat but Pineco can't.
@Mega-Roserade Shedinja is an EMPTY shell. It is just a ghost haunting it and it has no need to eat. If it did, it still can't since its organs are with the ninjask that shed it.
Well, I doubt Honedge has organs, and it's a ghost too. GameFreak makes no sense sometimes lol.
The same could be said for nearly all other Ghost types, yet they can eat PokePuffs (I'm assuming).