PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

Sorry if this question is already asked. I am including megas and please separate it into regions, legendaries and mythicals and then say the final longest name.

Is that even useful to know?
Fletchinder is the final longest name, with 11 letters.
In Gen I to Gen V, a Pokemon's name could not exceed 10 letters so that is the maximum you will find, with examples such as Weepinbell, Sudowoodo, Hitmonchan and more. There are no 12 letters Pokemon name.
Dude it's trivia

5 Answers

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Flechlinder, Polteageist, Centiskorch, Barraskewda, Corviknight, Blacephalon, Stonjourner are all at 11 letters, and Crabominable is the new no-mega/primal winner with 12 letters!

As far as Megas go, Primal Groudon has 13, and Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Aerodactyl tie for 14.

edited by
mega kangaskhan is 14 letters as well
Brambleghast is 12.
Crabominable is only 11.
Update> Squawkabilly and Poltchageist have 12 letters each now.
2 votes

In terms of name by itself, Fletchinder with 11 (Kalos) is currently the only Pokémon name to exceed the traditional cap of 10. However if you are considering megas, Mega Charizard X (Kanto), Mega Charizard Y (Kanto) and Mega Aerodactyl (Kanto) tie with 14 letters.

Legendaries? Mythical? Different regions? Yea no need to actually read the question.
thanks filler filler
megas arent stand alone pokemon tho
Update: Crabominable is a thing now. 12 letters long. Eat your heart out, Fletchinder.
1 vote

If you are counting forms and regional variants Galarian Zen Mode Darmanitan has the most letters(25 letters not including spaces).

Isn't there a Shiny Galarian Zen Mode Darmanitan (then it's 30 letters w/o spaces)
Basically we shouldn't count shiny as it's *name*. It is actually shiny, the name isn't.
0 votes

I mean, what about Basculin Blue Stripe? (18 letters without counting space and dash)

0 votes

This is a bit late but the longest name would be Single Strike Gigantamax Urshifu with 29 letters and 33 characters total. If you counted this you could even include "shiny" making it 39 total characters. If you really want to stretch things the longest would be Square Shiny Single Strike Gigantamax Urshifu. This would include 40 letters! It is also quite a mouthful. Although I'm not completely sure about the Alcremie forms so one of those could be longer.

So the strawberry sweet (15 letters) is the longest sweet name to give it and there are a few longest cream types, Vanilla Cream, Caramel Swirl, and Rainbow Swirl (all at 12 letters) so the longest name an Alcremie could have (not including square shiny or Gigantamax) is 35 letters or 39 characters long.