Timid Nature is +Spe, -Atk. I just want to know of Timid Suicune can work because I'm SRing for one in ORAS and gonna transfer it to Sun and Moon so I can use it For competitive. Here's a set that I thought of.
Suicune @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure Evs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 Hp Timid Nature
Scald Ice Beam Calm Mind Shadow Ball
Can it Work?? :/
Being a pure water type and having an incredible bulk suicune is best suited for a defensive role and using a timid nature on a pokémon relatively slow is a waste of ev. If you are searching for a more offensive suicune I propose a bulky offensive set running modest over timid without ev in speed and maximizing sp. atk and a defensive spread for the remaining ev.