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I mean, it has to go last to Sketch, and one-hit KO moves do exactly what the name implies...so how do you let a Smeargle Sketch Fissure, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Horn Drill?


4 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Two words: Double Battles.

Get into a double battle using a Smeargle and a Pokemon that knows an OHKO move... Let's say it's Lapras. It should go something like this:

The two opposing Pokemon use their moves
Lapras uses an OHKO move... Let's say Sheer Cold... on one of the opposing Pokemon.
Smeargle then uses Sketch on Lapras, thus learning the move.

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3 votes

Sketch can copy an OHKO move if that move didn't hit the sketch user. I guess the other answer missed this one, just like the OHKO move.
There are a few other ways, such as air balloons, focus sashes, focus bands, sturdy, protect-like moves, endure, and switching the sketch user on a fainted teammate, but I think double battles and misses are the most common.

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Ouch... Could someone toss me a Burn Heal?
You got Ninja'd
2 votes

Level advantage. OHKO moves never hit a Pokémon that is at a higher level than the user.

0 votes

Sketching a OHKO move is easier than you think. If your game has wild Ditto you can use one of your low level breedmons with the OHKO technique only (use move deleter to remove unnecessary moves). Then with your smeargle use protect on the first turn just in case and then sketch the second turn.

Double battles would be the easiest way if they were easier to find. You'd have your OHKO tech mon use the move and then sketch that same mon immediately after.
