PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I've found that the Dark and Ghost types tend to go together - either you're weak to both of them, or you're resistant to both of them. Are there any exceptions?

(I'm looking mostly for Pokemon that are weak to Dark but resistant to Ghost, but you can post Pokemon that have the opposite here just for future reference)

This is one of those rare questions in which, if you look up the answer on this site, you actually get the right answer. Therefore, this question is not allowed.
This might get hidden so I'll post this chart now
I don't have a problem with this post. The page linked above technically contains the answer, but there's also the process of looking through it, finding the types where Dark and Ghost interact differently, checking if there's a Pokemon with the type and then listing it all out. We'd be taking down threads left and right if we were that harsh.

2 Answers

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Best answer

No Pokémon have a weakness to Dark and a resistance to Ghost. But, there are instances where a dual-type will make either Ghost, Dark, or both of them deal normal damage (also, immunity to Ghost if the Normal-type in part of it) on part-Ghost- or part-Psychic-types. Here are these instances:

Immunity to Ghost (Thanks to Normal-type):
Normal/Psychic is immune to Ghost; resists Psychic; is weak to Bug and Dark.
Normal/Ghost is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Ghost; resists Poison and Bug; is only weak to Dark.

Normal-damage from Dark-type:
Fighting/Psychic resists Fighting and Rock; is weak to Flying, Ghost, and Fairy.
Dark/Psychic is immune to Psychic; is weak to Bug(4x) and Fairy.
Fairy/Psychic is immune to Dragon; resists Fighting(0.25x), and Psychic; is weak to Poison, Ghost, and Steel.
Fighting/Ghost is immune to Normal and Fighting; resists Bug(0.25x), Poison, and Rock; is weak to Flying, Psychic, Ghost, and Fairy.
Dark/Ghost is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Psychic; resists Poison; is only weak to Fairy.
Fairy/Ghost is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Dragon; resists Bug(0.25x); is weak to Ghost and Fairy.

Normal-damage from Ghost-type:
Dark/Psychic is immune to Psychic; is weak to Bug(4x) and Fairy.
Dark/Ghost is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Psychic; resists Poison; is only weak to Fairy.

You can find this all on the Type Chart.

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I copied the table in the sourced link into Excel and highlighted all types that had different values in their respective Ghost- and Dark-type columns. I was gonna list all the types, but I saw a pattern arise. If a Pokemon is Normal-, Fighting- or Fairy-type then they are affected differently to Ghost-types than they are to Dark-types.

So in order to quench your curiosity, look in the Normal-, Fighting- and Fairy-type sections of the defensive side of the table.

Hope I helped. :)
