Forest's Curse:
It fails if one of the Pokémon's types is already Grass. If the target is under the effect of Trick-or-Treat the Ghost type is replaced by Grass.
It fails if one of the Pokémon's types is already Ghost. If the target is under the effect of Forest's Curse the Grass type is replaced by Ghost.
So, in short, No. If Forest's Curse is used, it will make the Pokémon a part-Grass-type, but, when Trick-or-Treat is used, it will make the Pokémon a part-Ghost-type. You cannot use BOTH and make it a part-Grass- and a part-Ghost-type, it's "either-or". So, you'll only get a Triple-typed Pokémon instead of your "Quadruple-typed" Pokémon.