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For example: Larvesta's Attack stat is higher than its Sp. Atk. But after evolving, its Sp. Atk becomes higher than its Attack. What other Pokemon follow this pattern?

Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Glaceon, Gallade, Sylveon, Electivire, Butterfree, Beautifly, Gyarados, Lucario, Alolan Raichu, and probably some other stuff.
Politoed is another
Vikavolt, I know
Slowbro and Slowking do this. Also, Torchic has higher special attack, and Blaziken has higher physical attack. Their intermediate form has equal base attack stats. What does this count as?

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

I made a program to find all evolutions that switch their higher attacking stat, and here's what it came up with:

Evolutions that switch from a higher attack to a higher special attack:

caterpie (30 > 20) into metapod (20 < 25)
venonat (55 > 40) into venomoth (65 < 90)
slowpoke (65 > 40) into slowbro (75 < 100)
magby (75 > 70) into magmar (95 < 100)
eevee (55 > 45) into vaporeon (65 < 110)
eevee (55 > 45) into jolteon (65 < 110)
poliwhirl (65 > 50) into politoed (75 < 90)
eevee (55 > 45) into espeon (65 < 130)
slowpoke (65 > 40) into slowking (75 < 100)
silcoon (35 > 25) into beautifly (70 < 100)
feebas (15 > 10) into milotic (60 < 100)
riolu (70 > 35) into lucario (110 < 115)
eevee (55 > 45) into glaceon (60 < 130)
zweilous (85 > 65) into hydreigon (105 < 125)
larvesta (85 > 50) into volcarona (60 < 135)
scatterbug (35 > 27) into spewpa (22 < 27)
eevee (55 > 45) into sylveon (65 < 110)
charjabug (82 > 55) into vikavolt (70 < 145)

Evolutions that switch from a higher special attack to a higher attack:

magikarp (10 < 15) into gyarados (125 > 60)
clamperl (64 < 74) into huntail (104 > 94)
lickitung (55 < 60) into lickilicky (85 > 80)
electabuzz (83 < 95) into electivire (123 > 95)
kirlia (35 < 65) into gallade (125 > 65)
torchic (60 < 70) into blaziken (120 > 110) note: not included in the program's results due to Cumbusken

selected by
Apparently your program didn't catch Torchic (60 < 70) to Blaziken (120 > 110). Otherwise, not bad.
Well, yeah, it didn't recognize it because Torchic doesn't evolve directly into Blaziken; there's the awkward adolescent Combusken who has even Atk and SpA. I only programmed it to check adjacent evolution stages, rather than the full line.
By any chance, can you change your program to find those?
Impressive! Thanks a lot!