Generation 1 = psychic resistance (psychic) and normal resistance (rock). A few examples: Rhydon, Golem, Alakazam, Starmie, Exeggutor.
Generation 2 = electric resistance/immunity (ground, grass, dragon), water resistance/immunity (grass, dragon, water, water absorb), ground resistance/immunity (flying, grass, bug), normal resistance (rock, steel). A few examples: Celebi, Skarmory.
Generation 3 = water resistance/immunity (grass, dragon, water, water absorb), dragon resistance (steel). A few examples: Jirachi, Breeloom.
Generation 4 = rock resistance (fighting, ground, steel), dragon resistance (steel). A few examples: Scizor, Garchomp.
Generation 5 = fighting resistance/immunity (flying, poison, ghost, psychic). A few examples: Jellicent, Gengar, Mew.
Generation 6 = fairy (steel, poison), dark (fighting, dark, fairy). An example: Bisharp.
Generation 7 = fairy (steel, poison). A few examples: Celesteela, Bisharp, Venusaur.
The types in () are the types that resist the other type. A few Pokemon will be shown as an example (which resist one of those types shown above).
Hope this helps!