I have 6v6 team for online battles which I am fairly happy with, and I have decided to use a Steel-Type Pokemon for my last slot. I have narrowed it down to Lucario or Aegislash, but since I already have Mega Alakazam on my team I can't use Lucarionite. Can you tell me which is better please? These are the two sets I have in mind:
Aegislash @Ghostium Z
Ability: Stance Change
Evs: 252Atk 128Def 128Spdef
Nature: Brave
King's Shield
Iron Head
Shadow Claw
Sacred Sword
Lucario @Fightinium Z
Ability: Justified
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4HP
Nature: Adamant
High Jump Kick
Meteor Mash
Swords Dance/Blaze Kick
Please post reasons for which Pokemon is better competitively, and why. Also post alternative movesets, but they have to be a Z-Move user as I don't have one yet. Thanks!