realized that a bit later, just haven't been bothered enough to come back here. as it turns out, I hadn't yet collected the pal pad, and so when I passed through this Pokemon center, i was going through the lower floor of it, so if you haven't yet received the pal pad, and you want to go for Darkrai, get the pal pad first, or else you're kinda screwed, unless you can remember the exact amount of tiles you moved (which during the cut scene the steps aren't added to your step counter on the poketch, plus the fact the only thing being shown on screen is you on the bike, and the text box that shows up during the cut scene) you will have to move yourself so that you are in a city (usually Jubilife is the only one I see) or a wide open area (usually Floaroma Meadow and occasionally Flower Paradise) and also realized you can't open the x menu in the mystery zone so yeah... or you can do what I did and reset back to the first step after you save/reset once you are in the void (after poketch building shenanigans)