PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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If one was only exclusive to a single type before but not now, include them as well.

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why not? It's still exclusive to poison types.
It's not technically exclusive to Poison types because some of those Poison types have different types, too.
It's still exclusive to poison types HT, it's like saying: 'Incineroar is the only one who learns the Dark type move Throat Chop by level up, but it isn't Dark type by itself!'

Like, does that make sense at all?
"Exclusive to Poison types" implies that Poison type Pokemon and ONLY Poison type Pokemon can have it. If a Pokemon that has it has another type that isn't Poison, then it's technically not exclusive to Poison type Pokemon. Saying that Incineroar is the only Dark type Pokemon that learns Throat Chop by level up isn't the same thing because it doesn't imply that that it's exclusive to Dark types, it implies that it's exclusive to Incineroar.
It's exclusive to Pokemon with a typing that includes poison.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Tail Glow: Bug type exclusive until Gen 4
Dark Void: Dark type exclusive
Night Daze: Dark type exclusive until Gen 7
Thunderbolt: Electric type exclusive in Gen 2 only
Plasma Fists: Electric type exclusive
Aromatic Mist: Fairy type exclusive until Get 7
Geomancy: Fairy type exclusive
Light of Ruin: Fairy type exclusive
Floral Healing: Fairy type exclusive
Jump Kick: Fighting type exclusive until Gen 4
Low Kick: Fighting type exclusive in Gen 1 only
High Jump Kick: Fighting type exclusive until Gen 3
Triple Kick: Fighting type exclusive until Gen 7
Mach Punch: Fighting type exclusive in Gen 2 only
Vital Throw: Fighting type exclusive until Gen 4
Cross Chop: Fighting type exclusive in Gold and Silver only
Arm Thrust: Fighting type exclusive until Gen 5
Storm Throw: Fighting type exclusive in Black and White only
Fire Lash: Fire type exclusive
Leaf Blade: Grass type exclusive until Gen 4
Solar Blade: Grass type exclusive
Trop Kick: Grass type exclusive
Bone Club: Ground type exclusive until Gen 7
Bonemerang: Ground type exclusive until Gen 7
Bone Rush: Ground type exclusive until Gen 4
Pay Day: Normal type exclusive in Gens 3 and 4
Super Fang: Normal type exclusive until Gen 4
Conversion: Normal type exclusive
Sharpen: Normal type exclusive in Gens 3 and 4
Hyper Fang: Normal type exclusive until Gen 4
Dizzy Punch: Normal type exclusive until Gen 5
Sketch: Normal type exclusive
Conversion 2: Normal type exclusive
Milk Drink: Normal type exclusive until Gen 6
Morning Sun: Psychic type exclusive in Gen 2 only
Camouflage: Water type exclusive in Gen 3 only
Slack Off: Normal type exclusive in Gen 3 only
Hyper Voice: Normal type exclusive in Gen 3 only
Head Charge: Normal type exclusive
Crush Grip: Normal type exclusive
Sludge: Poison type exclusive until Gen 5
Poison Tail: Poison type exclusive until Gen 5
Kinesis: Psychic type exclusive
Psycho Boost: Psychic type exclusive
Heart Swap: Water type exclusive until Gen 7
Lunar Dance: Psychic type exclusive
Psystrike: Psychic type exclusive
Prismatic Laser: Psychic type exclusive
Photon Geyser: Psychic type exclusive
Accelerock: Rock type exclusive
Gear Grind: Steel type exclusive
Crabhammer: Water type exclusive
Hydro Cannon: Water type exclusive in Gen 3 only
Water Spout: Water type exclusive until Gen 5
Origin Pulse: Water type exclusive


Stench: Poison type exclusive until Gen 4
Drizzle: Water type exclusive until Gen 5
Static: Electric type exclusive until Gen 5
Cloud Nine: Water type exclusive until Gen 5
Color Change: Normal type exclusive
Immunity: Normal type exclusive until Gen 5
Shadow Tag: Psychic type exclusive until Gen 6
Water Veil: Water type exclusive until Gen 5
Truant: Normal type exclusive until Gen 5
Cute Charm: Normal type exclusive until Gen 5
Plus: Electric type exclusive until Gen 5
Minus: Electric type exclusive until Gen 5
Sticky Hold: Poison type exclusive until Gen 4
Marvel Scale: Water type exclusive until Gen 5
Drought: Ground type exclusive until Gen 5
Arena Trap: Ground type exclusive until Gen 5
White Smoke: Fire type exclusive
Motor Drive: Electric type exclusive until Gen 5
Download: Normal type exclusive until Gen 5
Iron Fist: Exclusive to Fighting types until Gen 5
Normalize: Exclusive to Normal types
Magic Guard: Exclusive to Normal types until Gen 5
No Guard: Exclusive to Fighting types until Gen 5
Klutz: Exclusive to Normal types until Gen 5
Filter: Exclusive to Psychic types until Gen 6
Slow Start: Exclusive to Normal types
Scrappy: Exclusive to Normal types until Gen 5
Reckless: Exclusive to Fighting types until Gen 5
Flower Gift: Exclusive to Grass types
Bad Dreams: Exclusive to Dark types
Friend Guard: Exclusive to Normal types until Gen 6
Toxic Boost: Exclusive to Normal types
Illusion: Exclusive to Dark types
Imposter: Exclusive to Normal types
Mummy: Exclusive to Ghost types
Aroma Veil: Exclusive to Fairy types
Flower Veil: Exclusive to Fairy types
Fur Coat: Exclusive to Normal types until Gen 7
Sweet Veil: Exclusive to Fairy types until Gen 7
Mega Launcher: Exclusive to Water types
Grass Pelt: Exclusive to Grass types
Symbiosis: Exclusive to Fairy types until Gen 7
Gooey: Exclusive to Dragon types
Parental Bond: Exclusive to Normal types
Fairy Aura: Exclusive to Fairy types
Primordial Sea: Exclusive to Water types
Stamina: Exclusive to Ground types
Stakeout: Exclusive to Normal types
Triage: Exclusive to Fairy types
Schooling: Exclusive to Water types
Comatose: Exclusive to Normal types
Queenly Majesty: Exclusive to Grass types
Innards Out: Exclusive to Water types
Receiver: Exclusive to Fighting types

Note: These lists do not include abilities and moves of Pokemon that are different types in different forms. (for example, Arceus and Castform)


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Lol forgot this existed. Also you forgot leaf blade being grass exlusive until whenever gallade got it. Or am i missing something?

EDIT: Yeah, bulbapeadia says its exlusive for grass types in gen 3 only.
I have Leaf Blade listed.
Oh yeah LOL