PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

My friend has a shiny Turtwig and Piplup that he is willing to trade to me for a Phione and a normal Turtwig+Piplup (he'll give me two Bidoofs for that, but that doesn't matter.) I want to know if the only way to get a shiny starter is through an event or cheat (he doesn't have Wi-Fi, so I'll know if he got it by cheat.) I want it to add to my collection: Gengar, Luxray, Tentacruel, Butterfree, Gyarados (of course,) Golduck, Victreebel, Bellossom, Magikarp, Raticate, Crobat, Krickitune, and Alakazam.

I caught them by myself and evolved them. I got the shiny Metapod (now Butterfree) in the Bug Catching and only got second place. :v)
1/1987     still soft resting can get you one however the appearence of one is same as a wild even tho poke'rus is more rare...
i got a shiny caterpie in ptd 1(pokemon tower defence)

2 Answers

8 votes
Best answer

Shiny starter is as rare as others, 1 in 8192, but because of that scenes before and after...I think that it's much rarer but not as much as shiny legendary.

Thanks, I can now add them to my collection.
I think it would be about a third of 1 in 8192 (1 in 2730.6) because of the three choices you have (three starters)..... not sure but wouldn't that be the case?
I don't think so nasakuho because I don't think you will see that it's a shiny before you have chosen it.

But yes, it is possible to get a shiny starter, you just have to restart your game up to 8192 times! That would take you forever!
I've had a Shiny Starter before an I saw it in the main screen(Choosing Screen)
But trying 8192 times doesn't mean, that you get it. This little chance doesn't increase this way
How about a shiny female starter. I bet that's super rare!
0 votes

just save your game be fore picking and pick your stater and if its not shiny turn it off and keep trying until you get one.
