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0 votes

Pretty sure this is allowed. I just want to know, since I want to compare the Pokemon/humans he is mimicking to the real thing.

I know a few but I don't know how I'd properly list them.
That was the best thing I've seen all day. Thanks!
I'll allow this. It's abstract but it's not breaking are rule per se.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Brock - 0:01
Ash - 0:05
Noctowl - 0:07
Wobbuffet - 0:09
Cyndaquil - 0:10
Todadile - 0:11
Psyduck - 0:13
I Don't know this one - 0:17
Seviper - 0:19
Cacnea - 0:22
Wobbuffet - 0:24
Meowth - 0:27
Torchic - 0:29
Treeko -0:31
Mudkip - 0:33
Lootad - 0:36
Cacnea - 0:39
Wobbuffet - 0:44
Loudred - 0:52
Wobbuffet - 1:01
Loudred - 1:05
Cacnea - 1:08
Seviper - 1:09
Mudkip - 1:11
Lotad - 1:13
Buneary - 1:16
Budew - 1:18
Heat Rotom - 1:20
Can't tell if this is a Pokémon or just a stretched face - 1:24
I don't know this one - 1:26
Can't tell if this is a Pokémon or just a stretched face - 1:27
Wobbuffet - 1:28
Loudred - 1:29
Starapter - 1:30
I don't know this one - 1:30
Buneary - 1:31
Seviper - 1:32
Budew - 1:32
Mudkip - 1:32
Heat Rotom - 1:33
Loudred - 1:33
I don't know this one - 1:34
Buneary - 1:34
Seviper - 1:34
Scolipede - 1:39
Azumarill - 1:44
Axew - 1:48
Sharpedo - 1:51
Blacephalon - 1:55
Ivysaur - 2:01

Comment if you guys know the ones I didn't know!

selected by
I believe 0:17 might be a ledyba
Can you go over this list and see if can find if pikachus face matches with one of these:
Bulbapedia says that this is what Pikachu was mimicing. The ones that weren't on Bulbapedia or I didn't recognize say "I don't know this one". Do you know something else a couple of these might be?
LOL no that was why I aksed the question :P
Oh! Sorry, I just saw that you said it might be ladyba. I'll go check.
I checked it. it has Ledyba's eyes, but I'm still not sure if it really is Ledyba...
This is probs the best answer I will get so why not lol
Yay, Points! Thanks! :D
BAing this gave me 2 points, which is what I needed for 2500 points, so i also ended up getting points